Aren't you in the Business of Selling Homes? Oh Maybe Not!
By Gene Riemenschneider, Turning Houses into Homes
(Home Point Real Estate)
Aren't you in the Business of Selling Homes? Oh Maybe Not!The other day a client asked me about showing a home. I had suggested it to them earlier, but they had rejected at first; now they were thinking about it again.The instructions stated it was vacant, but I needed to call the owner to show it. So I called the owner. He was irate. He had just spent all day Sunday at the house and told me we should have come by then. Then he reluctantly agreed to show it to my clients later in the week, after 6 (after dark) as he has to come all the way over here after work. He also demanded to see a pre-qualification letter before he would show it.Now of course I had a pre-qual letter and had spoken with the lender in detail. I do not like to waste my time either. But this is a non-occupied home of ...