Mixed use FHA 203k loan projects - Stockton
By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(203kOnLine.com, covering the USA)
How about a mixed use building? I love this type property as in many cases it is very hard to get them financed. This is typically a commercial loan. The FHA Full 203k loan is perfect for a renovation project on a mixed use building. Let’s look at a couple of examples in “Small Town America” where you might see mixed use properties. I have actually had some Realtors and agents tell me that there weren’t any in their area… NOT, they are everywhere in most towns all over the USA. They look like this: and this How about this one They are everywhere They are all around you, but YOU have to open your eyes and mind to see their full potential. They can be financed using the FHA 203k loan program. Now that you see these examples, don’t you remember seeing them in your town? Sure you do. No...