Getting Ready for Memorial Day Camping?? Think Safety!!
By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
With the Memorial Day holiday weekend coming up, many people are making their first camping or exploring trip of the year on public lands in Northern Arizona. It's time to think safety. "Given the really hot weather we've had recently, a lot of folks are headed to higher and cooler elevations this weekend," said Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Kingman recreation planner Len Marceau. "BLM's Wild Cow Springs, Windy Point, Packsaddle, and Burro Creek Campgrounds are popular weekend escapes. They are first-come, first-served and range from no fee to $10 per site per night depending on which campground."Be careful with campfires, never leave one unattended, and make sure campfires are dead out any time they leave the campsite. Check with your local county, state, or federal la...