
Golden Valley, AZ Real Estate News

By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Coming into the real estate industry, I was familiar with sales presentations.  My past standard of practice was always to lean toward the facts and by having the presentation be educational.  This approach allowed me to build trust especially if the potential client had shared previous negative experiences with other sales people.Entering this new industry, I read a lot about sales presentations. Most of these article focuses on glamour, glitz and all about the real estate agent saying “Look at me, I am wonderful.” The presentations were truly marketing marvels, but for me lacked data, facts, authenticity and differentiation. What I did over the course of several years was to create a “presentation packet” which I now just refer to as the packet.  I purchased the old school 3 prong fol...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
When it comes to hiring a licensed real estate professional, often buyers play the “Dart Game.”  Throw the darts and see which one lands nearest the bullseye.However there may be a better way .First, read the reviews of local real estate agents.  Reviews may provide a sense about the professionalism of the real estate agent you are considering to hire to represent you in the most expensive transaction in your lifeSecond, remember satisfied and happy clients invest the time to write positive reviews. Or course, human nature being what human nature is, negative reviews do happen without any encouragement.Third, invest the time to interview a real estate agent. Yes, you are busy. Buying a home or a piece of vacant land is an investment. Doesn’t it make sense to invest the time to discover ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Here in the high desert of Golden Valley, we have designated flood plains.  These designations are updated on a regular basis not only by the EPA but by our local county flood officials. Professional real estate agents will secure flood plain letters confirming the existence or non-existence of flood plains.Now some real estate agents believe this is the due diligence of the buyers and these agents take a hands off approach. For me I request this flood plain letter for all sellers and buyers here in Golden Valley, AZ, Mohave County.  This way I have it loaded into the MLS and removes what I call a potential sales obstacle.My first due diligence response is buyers do not know what they don’t know.  With time is of the essence in many instances, being able to send off an email and get a r...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Once again a headline created a pause for concern and several pondering thoughts. The leading sentence to this article from a national real estate website shouted:Women in real estate are already earning 60% less than their male counterparts.” (Source: Forbes March 2024 Gender Pay Gap Study)My sense there is more to this story or as Paul Harvey said:Here is the rest of the story.The first thing comes to mind is all fees are negotiable.  If a woman real estate agent decides to charge less than her male counterpart this is entirely legitimate. Also, possibly some women in real estate do not know how to negotiate given the lack of training, I have observed, on this necessary sales skill set.More importantly from my experience and research data about motivation, women are often not driven b...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Victor Hugo said it best:“Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.”To be successful, to triumph in life, in business and especially in real estate sales, one must embrace perseverance on a daily basis. Now, in 2024 for real estate agents given what has happened within the real estate industry, is not the time for the weak of heart or of mind to give up, to resign to the status quo.“Perseverance is a virtue that cannot be understated.” Bob Riley“Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th." Julie Andrews“The key to success in action, and the essential in action is perseverance.” Sun Yat-sen“In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm…in the real world all rests on perseverance.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Feature Photo Courtesy of Leanne M Smith, sunset over the Blac...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
A couple of years ago I was the buyer’s agent for this 3 bedroom, 2 bath with inside laundry room manufactured home located at 327 S Higley Rd, Golden Valley, AZ. Being on rural water and real power this one acre plus lot was also zoned for horses or livestock. There was plenty of room at the rear of the parcel for horses, a new garage, etc.My clients, the new owners, invested in a new roof, new laminate flooring, new windows, new AC unit and new stove. Then life changes happened, and my now clients asked me to sell this home.After refusing a couple of low-ball offers, the current owners accepted an offer that was successfully closed this week.  As I love selling dirt, this was the only home that I had currently listed. All my other listings are for vacant land parcels,  dirt, ranging f...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Some recent data from NAR suggested 81% of the sellers and 71% of the buyer’s only interviewed one agent whom they subsequently hired.  Possibly the reasons are several such as referrals from family and friends, a property down the street just sold or a for sale sign caught the consumer’s attention or they met the real estate agent at a local event.With these staggering statistics, how do you leverage your opportunities to make a positive impression with potential clients during your first interaction? And that is the question to be answered.First, do not spew what you do.  People buy from people they know and trust. Professionals do not spew that is what unlicensed unprofessional salespeople do. Second, demonstrate emotional intelligence while educating the potential client or clients....
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Yesterday when walking a 40 acre parcel with a buyer, we exchanged numerous laughs as we looked for the ribbon markers at the property corners.  Unfortunately, we only found one, but it was sooo tiny we would have missed it. We both laughed together wondering if the listing agent could have made the ribbon any smaller. Being able to laugh with a client and have that laughter acceptable is very gratifying.The word sweet has synonyms which include pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, delightful satisfying, gratifying, acceptable, entertaining, and inviting.Thinking of past experiences many of these words have always been present.My goal as a professional real estate agent is to be sweet. This weekend I am driving 105 miles to the next county to the south to meet with a seller who is elderly. Th...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Yesterday, I was at a friend's family gathering and another real estate agent for Dirt Road Real Estate said she just wanted something to do part time and quickly realized real estate is not part time.  I totally agreed with her as I had the same thought when I considered becoming a real estate agent.  Fortunately, my broker at that time Judith Ritter  and my current broker, Elise Harron  both smiled at me and kindly gave me a reality check that real estate is not part time.During the last week, I added up all of my “part time” hours and those hours well exceeded 40. Here is a recap of the last week.Sunday began a very quiet week. From reading emails including articles pertaining to real estate, the economy, etc., I answered a few phone calls and submitted two articles to Active Rain. T...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Here in Golden Valley, the sunsets over the Black Mountains change on a daily basis. Some evenings the sky is filled with bright orange and yellow colors while other evenings just blue to gray.  The lack of sameness is also prevalent among real estate agents or REALTORS®. NOTE: Not all licensed real estate agents are REALTORS®, but all REALTORS® are licensed real estate agents.After being a licensed real estate professional for eight years and a salesperson for over five (5) decades, I once again realize the significant and rather obvious differences between real estate agents or REALTORS®. Living here in the high desert of Mohave County, AZ which is the fifth largest land county in the contiguous US, I have learned there of these significant differences.  These obvious differences surf...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Yesterday I traveled nearly 100 miles drove over some questionable roads (thank heavens no flat tries), walked four (4) different parcels ranging in size from 1.18 acres to 20 acres,  snapped over 125 photos, noted specifics to each property and then begin developing a competitive analysis for each of the four properties here in Golden Valley, AZ that I physically visited. There was only one, 20 acres vacant land parcel that I could not find more than one  property marker. This vacant land parcel was on a hill and the terrain was quite rocky.  As my real estate life became crazy, I have not had time to tag all the photos. However, my goal is to have the photos tagged by Sunday.Now some agents may think my due diligence efforts went beyond the norm and I totally disagree. I know that to ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
For many moving to NW AZ, Mohave County especially Golden Valley there are 5 other major reasons for buying a home: Building wealth because owning a home and even vacant land is an investment Hankering to have elbow room and not see into your neighbor’s bedroom window Needing to have less government restrictions and policies Desiring warmer weather and without all that white stuff aka snow Having lower taxes allowing limited incomes (usually retirement) to go farther For Veterans being around other military retirees and veterans especially Vietnam Veterans Moving to NW AZ is becoming more and more popular for citizens from other states.Yes, moving closer to family and friends as well as just owning a home are two important reasons. Yet for others, these five (5) additional reasons or si...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In any business, the customers or clients differ.  This difference is called demographics.  In real estate there are a plethora of “WHO's.” There are real estate certifications and designations that address the specific "WHO" do real estate agents love.For example, retiring or relocating military personnel are one “WHO.” I have a Military Relocation Specialist (MRS) designation because here in Golden Valley, AZ we have a very large population of retired military personnel as well as veterans. Many of these veterans including my husband served during the Vietnam conflict. (Officially, the military effort in Vietnam was never declared a war.)With many individuals retiring and relocating to where the cost of living is lesser, there is the Seniors Real Estate Specialist® or SRES®. States su...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
This month's Active Rain Challenge by Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!  was to share one's dreams, one's vision of the future via a Dream Board or Vision Board.What I now to be true after all these years on this year,  when one is much closer to the end of life’s path, dreams continue change and evolve. My first dream and vision is to have my incredible husband with me for as long as possible. We have just shared 33 years of married life without one loud, very vocal fight. Of course, we have had our differences but those differences were discussed with mutual respect. Our daughter said her greatest wish for her marriage was to have one like ours where there wasn’t any fights.Ken is an avid historian. He recently purchased this helmet (a replica) from WWI. Also he is the cook for 98% of o...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
One of my 2024 personal goals was to build up my strength. Sitting at a computer an average for 2-4 hours daily with occasional walks of vacant land parcels of 2 to 40 acres does not build upper body strength. However it does make for fairly strong legs. Today was my first class of strength building, flexibility and toning of the muscles. The class was an upgrade of the calisthenics classes I enjoyed in my 20’s and 30’s. Then life happened and any formal exercise went to the wayside.The instructor was very fit, in her early 80’s and quite quick to provide constructive criticism.  I appreciated her no nonsense way of providing both guidance and feedback.For the next 3-4 weeks, I will continue with this weekly routine until I believe I have enough flexibility to add another hour or anothe...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
When selling a home, these four valuable keys as noted above are indeed essential. However, the one missing key and the most valuable and golden key for residential home sellers is this one:The TRUST KeyPeople buy from people they know and trust.  Yes, it is essential to have a professional real estate agent with: Expert guidance: An experienced and educated real estate agent who knows the LOCAL real estate market Sense of security: Confidentiality and knowing your home is in caring hands Property marketing power: For many is belonging to the local MLS as well as digital presence along with traditional tools such as signage Objective information and guidance: Here is where emotional intelligence, contract management as well as comprehensive research of the LOCAL real estate market takes...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
How often do we think of Monday or any day as “It’s Just Another Day?” Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney wrote these lyrics, Another Day, which Paul sang.The meaning of this song by the songwriters is about the drudgery and sadness of a single women’s life.Yet these four words, “It’s Just Another Day,”  are relevant to most of us because that day could be Monday or any other day of the week. How we approach just another day is 100% in our control."When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all days."Ella Woodward"Creativity is a  highfalutin word for the work I have to do between now and Tuesday." Ray Kroc"When people refer to ‘Back in the Day,’ it was a Wednesday. Just a little fun fact for you." Dane Cook"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays."...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In sales and especially in real estate, the goal is to have the potential clients aka as sales leads to pull you to them. Using the often-witnessed push sales behaviors does not really work very well. Hence, the often heard comment "He was a pushy salesman" or "She was a pushy salesperson."Yesterday, I scheduled a tour of five vacant land parcels here in Golden Valley, AZ with a potential cash buyer client. Until I actually invest some time with a potential client, I do not know if I want the individual as a client.  Not all individuals who want to list or buy real estate properties are a good fit for me. In our travels to the third property, I stopped my vehicle on something less than a cow trail. I walked back to my client’s car and asked “Do you really wish to continue to this proper...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Another real estate copycat suit emerged with this comment in the filing:The complaint alleges that “most” buyer agents will steer clients away from listings that offer a lower commission.My brain thought “really, most agent will?”  Did those who filed the complaint actually survey real estate agents? My sense is this is an assumption about human nature. And we all know about what happens with assumptions.In my now eight years in selling real estate as well as listing mostly vacant land (Remember, I love to sell dirt), I know of a few real estate agents who may look first at the cooperating fee being offered. However, “most” will show properties that meet their clients or potential clients’ (aka customers) needs and wants without looking at the cooperating fee being offered.Professional...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Monday is a new day for a new week. Some of us may embrace this day with enthusiasm, others with not so much enthusiasm and some just glad the weekend guests have left.There is a song by Asoredee that is truly motivational. Maybe this is how we should approach each new day?Wake up it's a brand new dayMake a brand new wayIt's a really nice morningDon't stress chase the pain awayHear the little birds say it's a really nice morningThis the day that everything changeAnd u never gon say I hate it in the morningWake up it's a brand new day Wake up it's a brand new daySleepy head outta bed let's prayAin't no time to be lazy in the streetsJust keep pushing with the hard work then u get paidNo food in the belly but we movingCos we know we got a higher power who is watchingDirecting taking us thr...
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