
Golden Valley, AZ Real Estate News

By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Imagine if we would embrace these words by Lucille Ball how much better our lives and world would be? “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself."Napoleon Hill somewhat echoed Ball’s experience with these words:“Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.”Staying discouraged is a choice. Moving forward is a choice as well. At the end of the day, we must all choose wisely.#realestateagent #property #makememove #realestatebuyers #realestateforsale #locationhighdesertFeature Photo Courtesy of Leanne M Smith, the sunrise over the Hualapais Mountains in Golden Valley, AZ, Mohave CountyAny reproduction of ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Funny thing about being in sales, one often can see want other folks want with greater clarity than possibly in other professions. This thought came to me after reading this quote by Joseph Addison:A man should always consider how much he has more than he wants.How often do we want something and fail to remember what we have? The other day I was shopping in the local Cracker Barrel store and saw a beautiful blue dress that would be perfect with my blue cowgirl boots.  Then I asked myself where would I wear this as what I have (existing clothes) already is more than sufficient. Given I wear jeans to most events here in Mohave County, Golden Valley, AZ, buying this dress means it may be worn once or twice a year. In life, we sometimes take for granted what we have. Being older I appreciat...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Wanting vacant land in Mohave County is a desirable goal. One of the often requests by listing real estate agents or REALTORS® is for the real estate buyers or buyer's agent to undertake their due diligence regarding property zoning. For those individuals from the cities and suburbs where zoning is rarely an issue, this request surprises many.Here in Mohave County, the public has online access to the Assessor’s Department.  Within that website, real estate property buyers can learn the current zoning of almost any property that lies within the unincorporated areas of Mohave County and even within the cities’ limit.Possibly it is prudent to understand how land parcels are determined. First, some may have heard of a township which is comprised of 36 sections each section is a mile square ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Traveling through the high desert of NW AZ one can easily read signs about if the road is flooded do not cross.  Rural vacant land, especially in Golden Valley, has many washes and some of those washes are in a flood plain.Flood plain zones are maintained and updated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as well as by local Mohave County, AZ employees. Per the FEMA, any area with a 1% chance or higher of experiencing a flood each year is considered to have a high risk.Within the local MLS, REALTORS® can indicate if the property Is in a flood zone plain. However, this information is not mandated. Also, sometimes real estate agents believe that determining if the vacant land property is in a flood plain is part of the due diligence on behalf of the buyer(s) or buyer’s agent.As...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
"All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.”Earl Nightingale when he shared this quote probably never traveled the numerous rural dirt roads here in Mohave County, AZ. If the plan is to use GPS or read the road map, that may be a good intention, but may not be necessarily accurate. First, the GPS programs secure its data from Mohave County. Second at least here in Mohave County, the data may show a road plotted, but the actual physical road was never cut in. Third the map may not show washes or the dirt road is more like a cow trail with rocks, dips and areas of sand instead of hard dirt. Fourth, the road may start off good and driveable and then quickly end. There is no notification that the road “dead ends" to a gully or even a hill. Fifth...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Sometimes when reading the public remarks, listing agents will indicate “gas” (natural) is available.  Yet in most of rural Mohave County including Golden Valley, there is no natural “gas.”  If the listing indicates just "gas," then the "gas" is more than likely propane which is different in its distribution, pricing and source. Propane is a byproduct of natural gas processing and crude oil refining.There is a least one relatively new subdivision just north of the city limits of Kingman that provides natural gas to the property owners. Additionally, those subdivisions that share boundaries with the City of Kingman may also have natural gas.Propane must be stored in an external either bought or rented tank. The key difference is if the tank is rented, the propane company is responsible f...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
When thinking of relocating and building a future home, mini-ranch or weekend camping retreat on vacant land, having electricity (power) is important. In rural Mohave County, there are two public companies that deliver electricity. Often rural vacant land listings public remarks on real estate websites including the local multiple listing service (MLS) will note “electricity is available,” “electricity in the street,” or “electricity to the property line.” Again, these declarations may not be accurate.First, when a vacant land listing states electricity is available, the nearest electric power pole may be anywhere from 100 feet to 5,280 feet.  At an estimated $25.00 per foot here in Golden Valley foot to run electricity, the actual cost may be quite expensive.Second, a utility company m...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
For rural buyers seeking to purchase vacant land here in Mohave County, these individuals often see these words on real estate websites “water available,” “water in the street" or “rural water to the property line.”  Unfortunately, these words can be misleading; may fail to adequately describe the true availability of water and may fail to provide unseen potential costs.First, in Golden Valley, AZ and other unincorporated areas here in Mohave County, AZ, there are privately owned to shareholder owned to government improvement districts.  Each of these entities has their own pricing and policies.  Here in Golden Valley, there are four water firms of which one is currently an improvement district.Second, rural water is different from city water in that often city water may add fluoride to...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In 1954 women from six different AZ counties introduced the Palo Verde as AZ’s state tree to the AZ legislature.  The bill was approved y the House on March 23, 1943 and by the Senate on April 3, 1954. Governor John Howard Pyle signed the bill on April 9, 1954.What is interesting to note is why this tree was recognized as the State Tree of Arizona for these reasons: The Beacon of resilience  Thrives under conditions that would wilt to destroy lesser trees Impressive drought tolerance Testament to survival in the harshest climates Those early settlers of AZ also had to survive in the harshest climates from the 100 plus degrees of the summer to the constant winds to the dust storms (haboobs) to the drought to the general topography with washes, mountains and let us not forget all those ve...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Professional is the umbrella that covers all aspects of any role.  In real estate, one can have signage, know and share the directions, be accurate in the information, be local, undertake due diligence, show competency and still not demonstrate professionalism.  So what does it mean to be a professional when looking at actual behaviors? I defined being a professional as one who: Combines and applies experience with ongoing learning Committed to delivering outstanding customer service beginning promptly answering the phone  Exemplifies and applies emotional intelligence Behaves with the highest integrity and respect Demonstrates appropriate humor Builds trust  Displays a positive attitude when interacting with others Professionalism goes beyond skills and knowledge as noted above.Profess...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In one of the Indiana Jones adventure movies, Indy made this rebuttal remark to Marion (Karen Allen), “It’s not the years, honey. It’s the mileage.”This is only part of the truth about selling real estate because both the years and the mileage count when working with a professional real estate agent or REALTOR®.Years do count because no real estate transaction is the same.  Yes, some real estate offers and purchasers are easier than others, however most will have at least one glitch as the transaction moves through escrow until the final close of escrow day.  Then, as in any industry, there is always change in real estate.  This is why embracing as much continuous education (knowledge) is essential to both the real estate agent and her or his customers and clients. Each year one of my p...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In NW AZ, real estate agents are currently as plentiful as the blooming poppy fields here in Golden Valley, Mohave County, AZ. Finding a true licensed professional real estate agent or REALTOR® is often like “pulling hen’s teeth.”Yet. there are still a few professional real estate agents who understand rural property be it a residential home either stick built (site built) or manufactured home along with vacant land (think dirt).  I will share why to A.S.K. for Leanne Smith the Grit and Gratitude Agent.Selling real estate requires “Attitudes.”  Zig Ziglar stated “Attitudes are habits of thought.” I would revise Zig’s definition to include “and Actions.”  My goal is to always have a positive attitude, a "can do attitude" along with the actions to “get it done.” Of course, if I am unable ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Often the words of others interact with our most recent experiences and hence provide even more meaning and relevance.This morning in confirming a home property tour with another professional local agent and REALTOR™ I learned she had broken her ankle which prevented her from being present at a home inspection. After asking other agents in the office to take her place, one agent volunteered with the stipulation of being paid to the tune of $200.00.Yes, I know that time is money. However I also believe in the wisdom of Henry David Thoreau who wrote:         Goodness is the only investment that never fails.My experience at Dirt Road Real Estate is we help each other out. I have invested my time to be present at inspections for other agents who have had emergencies. I don’t expect payment ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In life we all experience the quiet times, relishing in them, playing catch up with paperwork or just enjoying a book and then suddenly out of the blue chaos happens. The phone rings and as you are speaking with one person another call happens. You are working on cleaning up emails and suddenly 10 new emails come in with at least half demanding your immediate attention. Then your smart phone receives several texts with even more requests.Yikes!"When we learn if we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change." Wayne DyerChaos allows us to learn how to better manage what we can control. To have processes and systems in place to respond both efficiently and effectively to all those requests.Today started out quiet. There was a mild breeze through the office window. I hea...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Funny thing about rural real estate, not everyone knows the differences, but some agents think they do. A recent posting in a Facebook group by Active Rain Member Candice A. Donofrio highlighted why not everyone should be selling rural real estate.“(cited property) has been on the market for awhile, Can you provide insight into whether the extended listing duration is related to the water allocation issue?”When reading this and knowing the property is vacant land, the agent who sent this correspondence to Candice doesn’t know vacant land does not necessarily sell quickly. On average, here in rural Mohave County, AZ vacant land averages between one and two years. Yes there are always exceptions. Also this real estate agent and REALTOR may not have read the listing and is making presumpti...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In business including real estate, salespeople, think real estate agents, share their business cards with prospective sales leads or potential clients. When I was an active executive coach specializing in small businesses, I always asked this question:Whose business card does your customer, client or sales lead have?The answer was always “Mine.”The next question was:Are there any other names on the card other than the company’s name?The answer was always “No.”I just read an article about the 24 reasons to be on a “mega real estate team."  For me from my executive coaching experience, my personal experience when selling our home in Valparaiso, IN and now a licensed real estate professional, I have yet to see a business card with the actual names of other team members. What I have read is...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Living here in NW AZ Mohave County, I have traveled many rural dirt roads here in Golden Valley, Kingman, White Hills and Yucca while listing and showing vacant land to residential properties.   Very few of these dirt roads are county maintained. Most of these county dirt roads are non-maintained. Residents often hire folks with tractors to make the road more accessible. Other times residents prefer leaving the road with difficult access as such access keeps strangers away.Additionally, Mohave County Road Department may show on its maps that a dirt road exists, but in reality the road was never cut in. Given GPS takes its information from the county map, LOCAL real estate agents who actually travel these rural dirt roads often will write the following “DO NOT USE GPS" as they care about...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Imagine my surprise and out loud laugh when I saw this sign posted on a rural dirt road.  Golden Valley, AZ for the most part is zoned "Agricultural and Residential."  What this means is livestock is allowed.Over a year ago I spoke with a potential rural property buyer who really loved a home  located on over an acre on a rural dirt road and in an area zoned agricultural and residential. The buyer after touring the home told me “I don’t want any horses near me.”Again, I informed the buyer Golden Valley, AZ as well as much of Mohave County, AZ outside of the city limits is zoned agricultural and residential.  Someone could buy vacant land property across the dirt road and have horses, cattle, sheep, goats, chickens and other fowl. He decided not to buy the house and that was OK.Most peop...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
President Teddy Roosevelt said “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” The reality of these words continue to resonate with me even more so in real estate, let me explain.Here in Golden Valley, AZ often buyers of vacant land parcels are living in travel trailers or recreational vehicles parked at local RV parks. Then these individuals start looking for vacant land parcels and sometimes even residential properties. Often these potential buyers may have a computer, an i-Pad or tablet with most having a mobile device.  However, more than likely, these buyers do not have printers.One of my standards of practices is to print out all documents and give these hard copies of these buyers without computers or even the Internet.  My buyers are often surprised by this s...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Years ago, I read some research conducted by Pitney Bowes about response time respective to making initial contact with sale leads.  Those who responded quickly within 5 minutes secured a greater likelihood of converting those sales leads to  customers. Further more as the minutes clicked by or grains of sand dropped sales success diminished at a rapid rate.The reason I share this is because a potentially new client told me yesterday she called a real estate agent recommended by a local lender (not me) and left a voice mail. This potential client called back a few days later and left another voice mail. A month passed and finally this referred real estate agent returned the call.During our conversation, this potential client shared her disillusionment with real estate agents. However sh...
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