
Golden Valley, AZ Real Estate News

By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Today, we hear how real estate agents are making too much money. Yet very few actually know all the behind the scenes activities that happen within a real estate transaction especially for out of area buyers.Professional real estate agents and REALTORS® are the Source of the Source. These state licensed professionals can guide potential sellers and buyers to the various resources to expedite sales of residential property or vacant land parcels.For example, when buying a home in AZ, these professional real estate agents can be the source of the source for: Local Financial Lenders including for vacant land Local Title and Escrow Firms Local Insurance Companies especially for Manufactured Homes Local Vendors for Manufactured Homes, Plumbers, Electricians, etc. Local Inspectors such as Home...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Possibly you are thinking about buying real estate either a home or vacant land for a future home?  Given current inventory is still low, these tips may be helpful.Determine Your Bottom LineThis will take some time especially if you are already committed to a residential property or renting. Again, if relocating factor in those moving expenses and setting up new accounts such as utilities, insurance, property taxes, etc. Also determine potential insurance, property taxes, Home Owners Association (HOA) or Property Owner Association (POA) monthly or annual fees as well as future maintenance costs. By taking this action, you may avoid falling in love with a property above your budget.Ask a Couple of Family Members or Friends for a ReferralBy talking to family members or friends, you may re...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. For many real estate agents including myself, Sunday can be another work day. This past Sunday I started working around 5am to organized four (4) rejected vacant land multiple offers, mailed the rejected offers to the potential buyers, the seller as well as to update internal office procedures.  NOTE: Late Saturday afternoon I received the signed rejected offers from the seller and we had plans for the evening. Upon e-mailing out copies of the signed rejection offers by the seller, I received an email from one of the unsuccessful buyer who wrote this in his email:Leanne, I appreciate your professionalism, we will reach out next time we need a realtor to represent us.  Thank you, Results do matter in real estate. Multiple offers as I previously pos...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
In Golden Valley, AZ there are few opportunities to find larger parcels of vacant land with power less alone with a large workshop. This new listing vacant land parcel is looking for a new owner to bring life back to this level 20 plus acres lot that is not in a flood plain.With a paved road, Colorado, less than a mile away and just off a county maintained road, Redwall, access is street vehicle and even livestock friendly.  Did I mention livestock? Being zone Agricultural/Residential, horses and cattle are more than welcome.  So please share with others and give me a call at 219.508.2859 (mobile) if you are interested.Leanne M Smith, The Grit and Gratitude AgentWho Goes the Extra Mile Because Life Begins Where the Pavement Ends.#realestate #realestateagent #property #landhunter #reales...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Nearly 10 acres of vacant land (9.69) for sale conveniently located off Hwy 68 in Golden Valley, AZ. Power pole and septic are present. This parcel is zoned Agricultural/Residential and is livestock friendly.Of course the 360 mountain views are always present. Then being less than 5 minutes off Hwy 68, travel to Kingman, AZ or Bullhead City, AZ or Laughlin NV is just a hop, skip and a jump away (20-30 minutes).  Term are cash, no owner  carry.Feature Photo Courtesy of Leanne M. SmithAny reproduction of Leanne M Smith’s blog for use by any AI or GAI, distribution or reproduction including but not limited to electronic newsletters e.g. PDF’s Internet sites or physical products e.g. newspapers, CDs without prior written permission and consent by me, Leanne M. Smith (Leanne Hoagland-Smith) ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Fire is a major concern for all homeowners and especially those in the Southwest high desert areas where rain in sparse and high temperatures are not. The State of AZ has adopted the  National Firewise® Communities/USA program administered by the State Forester and in association with numerous entities including AZ Forestry, US Forest Service and NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service).This program walks homeowners through what actions to take to mitigate the incidence of a fire especially from wildfires. With the creation of the Wildfire Crisis Triangle consisting of Heavy Fuel Accumulation, Dry Weather Patterns and Human Development in the Fire Prone Ecosystem helps to understand the four (4) factors that favor wildfires. Fuels  Topography Weather Human Environment Did you know...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
"Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than you contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself."William FaulknerHow often have we been chastised for daydreaming, for looking out the window and thinking of what might be?Yet, when we connect our dreams to our own actions and thoughts those dreams can be a springboard toward something better.“I dream of painting and then  paint my dream.”Vincent Van Gough"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."Eleanor Roosevelt"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."Walt Disney I wonder if Disney's dreams included making children happy?These words by Henry David Thoreau have been my favorite for many years:"If one advances confide...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Water in the high desert is a precious resource.  Unless the property is connected to a private water company or is on a well, the only other solution is water hauling. When we moved here to Golden Valley, AZ, we had a very nice man make water hauling deliveries every week. At that time, we had only 1,000-gallon plus water storage container. Within a couple of years, we purchased a 2,500-gallon water storage container and our deliveries became every two weeks. Shortly there after our water vendor retired. We hired another water hauling vendor who was not very reliable.With my husband being retired, he decided to locate purchase a trailer with a 500 gallon fiberglass water transfer tank. The trailer he purchased did require new tires.  Then he started doing the water hauling every week a...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Today, one may observe the ability to “think” is as rare as as Do Do Bird. Harriet Martineau, an English social theorist, noticed the absence of thinkers back in the mid to late 1800’s.“Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare.”Maybe Henry Ford realized why thinking is so rare.“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so fear engage in it.”Possibly all the distractions we have around us can also explain the lack of thinking less alone the best thinking."The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been one in turmoil” Thomas A EdisonPossibly another reason thinking appears to be rare was observed by Plato:"Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself."Thomas Szasz understood thinking required another attribute and one that may appears to bec...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Imagine 2.35 acres with real power at 2 parcel corners. This parcel is located at  3597 S Jade Rd, Golden Valley and the dirt road is vehicle friendly along with great mountain views and no flood plain all for just $18,500? With the majestic Black Mountains to the west, evenings will be flooded with incredible sunsets.  Mornings look to east at the Hualapai Mountains with equally beautiful sunrises.Nature has provided some semi-cleared areas and the overall desert vegetation is very low for easy clean-up. Yes, there is a wash as many properties in Golden Valley have washes.  Water from those magnificent mountains will run down during Monsoon season. However the parcel is not in a flood plain.For horse lovers, this parcel is zoned agricultural and residential, think "Horse Friendly." Chi...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Writing this series initially started as a response to a public statement by a regulatory not for profit organization that real estate agents should make only “2%.” However, through these 23 different parts, I learned that this series may help and support both the public, consumers as well as other licensed real estate agents and those considering entering this profession.At the end of the day, each individual needs to make a decision or several decisions.Sellers must decide: Their bottom line How much exposure they desire for their property? How much risk they are willing to take? How quickly they must sell their property? To undertake their own due diligence in researching potential real estate agents What value does a real estate agent or REALTOR® brings to the table?  To ask themsel...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Today I learned, that the first Saturday in September is designated as National Hummingbird Day. Here in the high desert, there are many hummingbirds because the liquid feeders do not attract mice as the seed feeders do. With mice, one can expect snakes and I would prefer not to have any snakes.Even though I am a month behind, these birds are one of nature’s exquisite and unique creatures.  I have always appreciate these fast moving bird and how they dash in and out of trees.Beyond being fast, humming birds are the smallest birds within the animal kingdom and share their order of Apodiformes with Swifts. Additionally, hummingbirds have no sense of smell, but are attracted to colors. Many websites indicate red dye food coloring can be harmful to this delicate creatures.Did you know a hum...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Human beings are quite interesting creatures as captured in these words by Johann Georg Von Zimmermann:“Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.”Ever have someone speed by you in a hurry and then both of you end up at the stop light at the same time?Time is a constant.  There are 24 hours in every day, 1440 minutes and 86,400 seconds. Once a second, minute or hour passes, that time cannot be recovered.Time management is an oxymoron as time being a constant cannot be managed. Old Ben Franklin who also was a philosopher in his own right understood this concept that time is a constant.“Lost time is never found again.”William Penn shared Franklin’s viewpoint from a somewhat different perspective.“Time is what we want mos...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
All parties are now excited. An offer has been made and accepted with or without counter offers.  Close of Escrow date has been established within the accepted offer to purchase real estate along with additional terms such as type of payment, lender if a loan is involved, escrow and any other documents such as supporting and/or required contingency papers.Historically, the buyers’ agent opens escrow by submitting the fully executed real estate contract along with any and all addenda to the escrow firm on noted on the contract. This contract is also sent to the buyers as well as the lender if required. For those states where an attorney is involved, the attorney will open escrow. NOTE: The buyers agent must also update the brokerage files with all documents along updating the Customer Re...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
When stepping into this home, the first thoughts are cheerful and bright. Much of this cheerfulness is due to the upgraded, water resistant flooring that reminds one of the old pine flooring. Then add in the light neutral wall colors, and you notice this home is 100% move in ready.Two of the best interior features of this home are the den with the wood burning fire place and the front AZ sun room. The exterior has 4 outbuildings including a detached 2 car garage and a RV Storage garage.Earlier morning coffee can be enjoyed on the back or front porch. Come evening, the rear porch afford the opportunities for grilling. Both porches offer 360 mountain views.The current sellers invested over $70,000 in upgrades from the formerly mentioned laminate floors, Green features such as new energy e...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Wanting a feeling of neighborhood yet still wishing to live in a rural area? Maybe it is worth a drive to see this half acre residential lot in the Crystal Springs subdivision. Here is a subdivision that provides the amenities found in many cities such as paved streets and underground utilities of electricity, water and telephone. This vacant land parcel is large enough for your custom-built home, a garage for your vehicles and still has room for a boat or other toys. Being on the far west side of Golden Valley, AZ,  Bullhead City, AZ and Laughlin, NV with their many Colorado River recreational activities are just 20 minutes away and other amenities. Kingman is less than 30 minutes away. Then add in the 360 mountain views, what's not to love?  When checking out this residential lot for ...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
On April 6, 2021, AZ the Grand Canyon State became a  Second Amendment Sanctuary State with the result of barring State of AZ law enforcement agencies from enforcing federal gun control measures. This law reinforced the AZ State Constitutional Open Carry Law except for those locations under state law that prohibit carrying firearms.For those deciding to move to AZ, seeing local residents walking into grocery stores or in other public areas may prove unsettling.  Many real estate agents and REALTORS® also subscribed to open carry and are armed especially those working in the rural areas.Additionally, being a Second Amendment Sanctuary State reflects the strong beliefs by rural residents of the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution and the AZ Constitution.  When driving the dirt roads, trav...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
Imagine during the day driving down the road and coming across one to several 800 to 1,000 pound cattle crossing the road or just grazing along the road’s shoulder.  You don’t see any fences and wonder if these cattle escaped from a local ranch?Welcome to the Wild West with its Open Range and to Arizona with nine separate statutes on Open Range within the AZ Revised Statutes (ARS Title 3, Chapter 11, Article 8. One of these statutes defines a Lawful Fence (ARS, 3-1426).Driving at night can be even more dangerous because there are no street lights, no lights from the cities also known as “sky glow,” and most of the cattle are black or dark brown. This is why speed limits are reduced and drivers are encouraged to drive with "high beams" or "bright lights."Often, newcomers to Mohave County...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
The life of a local professional real estate agent is varied. Out here in Mohave County, AZ a real estate agent sometimes drives many miles in a single day.This week one of my listing clients who is older than myself had a real estate transaction closing.  The client has some minor health issues so I drove approximately 90 miles to pick up the client and then drove another 30 miles back to the title firm in a nearby city.After signing all the closing documents, we went out for lunch. The client and I had a very enjoyable lunch at a local Chinese restaurant.  I then drove the now happy client back home (another 30 miles) and returned home (another 90 miles). Looking at the mileage on my 4x4 Ford Ranger, I logged 240 miles.Now this wasn’t a terribly expensive piece of property. Possibly s...
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By Leanne Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
One of the most common questions I receive from those wanting vacant land is “What are CCR’s?”This acronym stands for Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. CCRs are a set of rules governing the use of certain piece of real estate property within a given geographic area or community. The enforcement of these CCRs are either by the local government or by a Home Owners Association.  With that enforcement also comes monthly or annual fees. These fees are to support amenities within the given area such as swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts, parks, etc. Additionally, there are Property Owners Associations (POAs) also have monthly or annual fees. POAs are often formed for road maintenance and may not be as restrictive as HOAs.Both HOAs and POAs have By-Laws and annual meetings. Buye...
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Golden Valley, AZ Real Estate Professionals