The School Journey Continues...Finding the right Gilbert Public School
By Elena Thurston, Family Real Estate Specialist
(Keller Williams Legacy One)
As I wrote in my previous post, I am searching for the just perfect kindergarten for my son. Last week I visited a few schools and today, I think I finished it up. First I went to Gibert Traditional Academy, Neely Campus. A group of friends strongly recommended this school for it's traditional, back-to-basics concepts, while being a public school without uniforms or the "weirdness" of a charter school. Even though it is a public school, I wasn't allowed a tour under any circumstances. I was given a DVD to watch and an invitation to email the principal with any questions.The movie explained how they teach the Spalding method for spelling, implement the Saxon Math method, and use Accelerated Reading. After watching the DVD, I am slightly more informed but nowhere closer to being abl...