
Pea Ridge, AR Real Estate News

By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Theodore W. Goldin was born in Avon, Wisconsin back in 1858. As an infant, he was adopted by Reuben and Elizabeth. His birth name has been lost, when he was four the family moved to Brodhead, Wisconsin.He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1876, lying about his age. He was assigned to the 7th U.S. Cavalry just three months after he enlisted. Just a month afterwards he was involved in the Battle of Little Bighorn. His assignment on that fateful day was to deliver a message to Major Marcus Reno, thus avoiding being a casualtyHe was discharged in 1877 after the Army learned he lied about his age. In 1881, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1882. He was elected to clerk of the circuit court, serving as assistant chief clerk of the Wisconsin State Assembly afterwards. Starting off the 2...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Jeremiah Jones was born in Farmington, New Hampshire back in 1812 to Winthrop and Abigail. After a brief education at the age of 10 he was indentured to a neighboring farmer where he worked as a laborer for the next 10 years. At the end of his service he was given 6 sheep and two oxen which he immediately sold for $85.00, this was the first money he had made during his indentured service.Jeremiah did not care for his given name so he changed Henry (original don’t you think)? In 1833, after failing to find work he walked more than a hundred miles to Natick, Massachusetts where he found work as a shoemaker. During this tie in his life some people gave him books to read and read he did.In 1840, he campaigned for William Henry Harrison, during that same year we was elected to the Massachuse...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Adolphus Williamson was born in Boston, Massachusetts back in 1844. He went to the Boston Latin School graduating in 1859.   He went on to attend Harvard University graduating in 1863. After graduation, he was the Principal of Groton School for one year.He worked at several different jobs before being admitted to the New York State Bar Association in 1873. That same year he moved to Chicago, Illinois opening his practice. In 1886, he was the attorney of the South Park Commission later he was the attorney for the Chicago Board of Trade. He was a delegate to the 1892 Democratic National Convention supporting Grover Cleveland in the presidential election.He died in 1917, he was 73. What you may not know about Adolphus Williamson Green is that he was a co-founder of the American Biscuit and...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Jane Francesca Agnes was born in Wexford, Ireland back in 1821 to Charles and Sarah. She was an early advocate of women’s rights. Campaigning for better education for women she invited Millicent Fawcett to her home to speak on the female liberty.She contracted bronchitis in 1879 when she moved to live with her two sons. Living in virtual poverty she died in 1896. One of her sons was in prison and they refused to let him go so she could say her last goodbye to him. BTW the way you may not know her but surely you know her son who was in prison. BTW her name was Jane Francesca Agnes Wilde, of course the son was Oscar, Oscar Wilde that is, only now you know the rest of the story. Until tomorrow keep a smile on your face and a penny in your pocket.
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
John Robert Vernon was born in Christleton, Chester back in 1905 to Harold and Dorothy.  Attending Marlborough College and then onto Loughborough Engineering College graduating in 1926.  In 1928, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the 4th/5th Battalion at the outbreak of WWII he was promoted to captain rising through the ranks to Lieutenant Colonel in 1942. However, his rank was just a rouse because he was actually a member of the Secret Intelligence Service.  His job was to create a resistance organization in the UK. He was in charge of Station IX, part of his job was to provide the resistance fighters with weapons, explosives and technical sabotage.  He designed a motorcycle capable of being dropped in a parachute, the codename of the motorcycle was “Welbike”.  It was the s...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Birdsill Holly, Jr. was born in Auburn, New York back in 1820 to Birdsill and Comfort. The family moved several times before settling in Seneca Falls, New York where his father found a job working as a millwright and general mechanic.He was forced to drop out of school at 10 because of the death of his father. He was heavily influenced by his father’s profession, taking an interest in a similar trade dealing with mechanical engineering. He apprenticed in a machine shop, by his early teens he was a superintendent and later owner of a machine shop in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.In his early twenties, he moved back to Seneca Falls becoming a partner in a machine shop. As they say the rest is history so allow me to tell you about this energetic person. In 1849, he received his first patent, one...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Thaddeus Sobieski Constantine was born in Jefferson Mills, New Hampshire back in 1832 to Clovis and Alpha. His grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War, his father was a drummer boy in the War of 1812.As a young boy, his insatiable appetite for learning served him well as you’ll find out shortly. With his farm choirs, he was limited to only three months of schooling each year. When he was only fourteen he ventured out on his own and moved to Portland, Maine. He fell ill and returned home when he was eighteen. While recovering his brother invited him to attend a chemistry lecture by Professor Reginald Dinkelhoff. As a result of that meeting Dinkelhoff hired Thaddeus and thus began a learning experience for two years.Fast forward to 1861 Thaddeus met President Abraham Lincoln at the Wh...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
William Alexander Anderson was born in Lexington, Virginia back in 1817. Sorry I do not have any information about his childhood but what I can tell you is the rest of the story. he learned one of his brothers and a cousin had been shot in the Goliad Massacre he went to Texas to “take pay out of the Mexicans”.Standing 6’2” and 240 pounds in his day he was a formattable figure of a man. He fought in the battles of Salado Creek, Hondo River and Mier. He later participated in the Mexican-American War at the Battle of Monterrey and in the Comanche Wars. In the 1850’s he was a member of the Texas Rangers commanding a company of his own. We once lost his mules to Comanches, walked to El Paso where he ate twenty-seven eggs at the first Mexican house he came to-before going on to town for a ful...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Regina was born in Berlin, Germany back in 1902. Orphaned at a young age she chose a career as a teacher however, she was not happy with her choice, so she chose another career path which of course is the rest of the story.Back in those days’ women were not allowed to practice she chosen profession. So, having a strong will she challenged the thought of the day and won. During WWII and because of Nazi persecution she was ordered into forced labor. Deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp, her job was to meet trains at the station. In 1944 she was sent to Auschwitz where she was murdered in less than one day or no more than two months. Her exact day of death is unknown. She was only 42.She may have been lost except for some hand-written letters which were discovered in 1991.   If yo...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Ananias was born circa 1560 somewhere in England, although the exact date of his birth is unknown. I have no record of his parents, where he went to school and so on. So here goes the rest of the story.He married Elanor at St. Brides Church which was located on Fleet Street in London. He worked in London as a tiler and bricklayer. His father-in-law was appointed Governor in the Colonies, in 1587. You may not know Ananias but you will always remember his daughter.I know this one is short but there is not much to say other than you may know Ananias better if you knew his last name and that is Dare. His daughter is Virginia Dare who was the first recorded birth in what would become the United States in 1587. Many stores and myths have been written but the mystery remains. What happened to ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Laura Mae was born in Atchison, Kansas back in 1892. The family moved to Mulvane, Kansas where she graduated from Mulvane High School in 1910. She continued her education working at Wesley Hospital in Wichita graduating in 1918.She served in the United States Navy from 1918 to 1921, when she was discharged she worked at hospitals in Iowa and Michigan. She reenlisted in the Navy in 1924 serving in naval hospitals throughout the U.S. in 1940 she was transferred to the naval hospital in Guam and in 1942 to the Philippines. When the Philippines was invaded, she remained with the wounded where she was taken prisoner and transferred to the Santo Tomas Internment Camp where she and 10 other nurses cared for more than 3,500 civilians. During their last three months of captivity she was fed less...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Luke was born in Elphin, County Roscommon, Ireland back in 1831 to James and Mary.  In 1839 they decided to move to North America.  While crossing over the pond his father died and when the ship arrived in Grosse Isle, Quebec his mother and a baby brother died of cholera.  He boarded a ship and returned to Ireland.At 23 he enlisted in the British Army and made sergeant assigned to the 23rd Regiment of Foot.  He was involved in the Crimean War at the Battle of the Alma 1854.  He was in charge of carrying the colors where he was shot however, he refused to retire for medical attention advancing against the enemy.  The next year he was involved in the assault on the Redan where he was again shot through both thighs.  He recovered and rose through the ranks to achieve the rank of Major Gene...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Gerty Theresa was born in Prague, Austro-Hungarian Empire back in 1896 to Otto and Martha.  Tutored at home and wanting to become a doctor she lacked the prerequisites in Latin, physics, chemistry and mathematics.  In just one year she managed to study the equivalent of eight years of Latin, five years of science and five years of math. Way beyond me.She was so good she was admitted to the Karl-Ferdinands-University in Prague in 1914.  She graduated and moved to Vienna, Austria in 1920.  In 1922 her and her husband immigrated to the United States.  In 1928 the both became naturalized citizens.  They moved several times and settled in St. Louis Missouri in 1931, in 1943 she was made an associate professor of Research Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology.  Shortly afterwards she was prom...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Arlo was born in Grenville, Iowa back in 1918. When he was 10 the family moved to South Dakota where he attended school in Toronto. He was active in scouts where he earned the distinction of Eagle Scout. He went on to attend the University of South Dakota from 1936-1940. He was commissioned through the Army ROTC following graduation. In October 1943, he was serving as a captain I the 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. During the engagement while trying to cross the Volturno River in Italy he repeatedly led his men in attacks against the German forces. He personally captured several enemy positions.While on a reconnaissance mission he was mortally wounded. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor ten months later. He is buried at Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneap...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Tahar Douis was born in Marrakech, Morocco back in the 1950’s (exact date I could not find). Anyway I have no information about his parents, what I can tell you is the rest of the story.He left home at 6 and joined a group of street performers. At 16 he was taught in what now has become his profession. He has worked as a snake charmer, and circus strong man. In the 1970’s he earned a spot in the Guinness World Record by carrying 12 men weighing a total of 1,700 pounds on his shoulders, forming the world’s heaviest human pyramid. As far as I can tell that record still hold today.He has drawn comparisons to the late Yul Brynner as he has a clean shaven head (got that one from me… LOL). He has many scars on his body by what he will be most noted for. Now you may be asking yourself what is ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Sebastian Melmoth was born in 1854 in Dublin, Ireland to William and Jane. Until he was none he was home schooled. He attended Portora Royal School in Enniskillen. He received a scholarship at Trinity College, Dublin. He also was involved in the University Philosophical Society.He was a Freemason during his time at Oxford. He also was given an audience with Pope Plus IX. He was arrested for sodomy and trail began in 1895. He was sentenced to prison and began a two-year conviction when he was released in 1897. After his release he moved to France never to return to Britain or Ireland.During his self-imposed exile he began to write again. Sadly, he died in 1900 from cerebral meningitis in Paris, France. If you haven’t figured it out by now I’m writing about Oscar Wilde the name Sebastian ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Reba was born in Dawson Springs, Kentucky back in 1951 to Buck and Dottie. As a teenager she began her singing career as a solo artist. She toured with Andrae Crouch. In 1976 she won a Dove Award for Contemporary Album of the Year for her album ”Lady”. Her voice was compared to Barbra Streisand. In the late 70’s she married Landy.In 1981 she won a Grammy award and a Dove award for Album of the Year. Okay it’s time to give up the ghost sort of speak, no she is not Reba McEntire but Reba Rambo McGuire and the albums and songs she sings are Christian songs. Her songs are well known in the Christian music scene. The Grammy she won in 1981 was for Contemporary Gospel Album of the year and the same album was for the Dove Award for Worship Album of the Year.As of today she continues to sing an...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Guy Goma was born in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo back in 1969. In 2006 he was waiting in the main reception area of the BBC Television Center in London for a job interview for a position as a “date support cleanser”. At the same time there was to be a live television interview for Guy Kewney a British technology expert on Apples Computer’s court case with The Beatles record label.Somewhere along the line the producer was sent to get Guy however when he approached Guy Goma all he asked was “Are you Guy”, to which of course he stated “yes.” Guy Goma was under the impression he was being called for the interview for the job. When he was ushered to make-up he thought it strange but he went along with it.He was taken to the live telecast it finally dawned on him what was going on, especia...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Chalkley Beeson was born in Salem, Ohio back in 1848 to Samuel and Martha. The family moved to Marshalltown, Iowa shortly after his birth. Shortly after turning 18 he left Marshalltown and headed west to Texas. He was employed as a cowboy. It was once said “He was the best cowboy on the trail…..could stampede or quiet a herd quicker than nay rustler I ever met”. He also worked in Colorado as a guide for buffalo hunters. Some of his clients included Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia, Phil Sheridan and George Custer. In 1875 he moved to the then three-year-old town called Dodge City, Kansas.In 1876 he returned to Marshalltown were he married Ida. The newlyweds intended to locate in Kansas City, Missouri but he returned to Dodge City to collect money owed him by A.J. Peacock, the o...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Augustus Chapman was born on all days July 4th, 1806 in Canaseraga Village, New York to Roland and Sarah.  He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Chittenango, New York and started teaching mathematics there in 1827.  After two years of teaching the wanderlust struck.  Augustus and his brother John left the comforts of home and moved.  They arrived in Texas in 1833 arriving in Nacogdoches they started operating as land speculators.  Instead of joining the army when the Texas War of Independence started they engaged in the business of keeping supply channels open.  Using their own money, they outfitted a ship called the Brutus to help the war effort.  They were also chastised because they didn’t join the army.  No wis as good as a time to tell you I’m writing about Augustus and Jo...
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