
Pea Ridge, AR Real Estate News

By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Nancy Hanks was born in Hampshire County, Virginia back in 1784 to Lucy, I don’t have the father’s name. she was raised by her grandparents Joseph and Ann.  Her grandfather died when she was nine, she moved into her sister’s home in Mercer County, Kentucky in 1796.  During her time living with her sister, she learned to read the Bible and other skills of a woman on the frontier during those times.In 1806, she married Thomas, moving to Hardin County, Kentucky.  In 1816, the family moved to Spencer County, Indiana.  Sad to say she died in 1818, she was only 34.  While there are different views of what she died from, the mystery remains.What you may not know about Nancy is that the union between her and Thomas produced three children.  One of them would rise to greatness that only a few ha...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Hanna Hammarström was born in Sweden back in 1829 to Per and Christina.  Her father wanted all of children to learn a profession, so Hanna learned to manufacture various forms of ornaments. So, in 1883 she started her own business which she held a monopoly on the production through 1880 into the 1890’s.She employed only women, who she educated herself.  In 1886, she was awarded first prize for her invention at a machine exhibition in Stockholm.  She died in 1909, he was 64.What you may not know about Hanna is that due to her making ornaments, she had an epiphany and convinced the Swedish telephone network for her to produce the telephone wires throughout Sweden. Your day is worthwhile when you make someone smile, so give the free gift of a smile today   
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Mark Gwyne was born in McMinnville, Tennessee.  While I don’t know the month from what I’ve been able to find out, the year was 1963.  He graduated from Middle Tennessee State University earning a bachelor’s degree.  He continued his education attending he Tennessee State University earning a master’s degree.He started his career with the McMinnville Police Department in 1985. In 1988, he joined the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) as a Special Agent.  He worked his way through the ranks being promoted to Executive Officer in 1996.  By 2001, he was the Assistant Director in charge of the Forensic Services. He attended the 33rd session of the FBI’s national Executive Institute.  He retired in 2018.What you may not know about Mark is that he was the eighth director in the agency’s ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Charles Freeman Geschickter was born in Washington, D.C. back in 1901.  I don’t have any information as to his childhood.  He studied as an undergraduate in Engineering and Educational Psychology earing him a MA and MS degree.  He was awarded a scholarship to Columbia University.  While there his professor arranged for him to be admitted to medical studies at John Hopkins University.He was invited to work on multiple myeloma studies.  In 1928, he Charles and Murray Copeland published a survey of 425 recorded cases dating back to 1848.  In 1929, he was given surgical fellowships at the Mayo Clinic.  In 1935, he was appointed pathologist to St. Agnes hospital in Baltimore.  This led to his major 100-page work first published in 1943, Diseases of the brest: diagnosis, pathology treatment. ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Juan Pujol Garcia was born in Barcelona, Spain back in 1912 to Joan and Mercedes. He was sent to the Validemia boarding school twenty miles from Barcelona. After seven years at school he quit. He had several jobs prior to the Spanish Civil War. His father died in 193 and he served six months of compulsory military service in the cavalry unit. After his military service, he managed a poultry farm. During 1939, he opposed the Franco regime so he volunteered to help the British by being a double-agent. The British then decided to use him. He obtained a fake Spanish diplomatic passport by fooling a printer that he worked for the Spanish embassy in Lisbon. In 1942, he was moved to Britain and given the code name “Bovril”.   He operated as a double-agent under the watchful eye of MI5. He was ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Thomas Harold Flowers was born in Poplar, London, England back in 1905. He was an apprentice in mechanical engineering at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich but he also took evening classes at the University of London earning a degree in electrical engineering. In 1926, he worked at the telecommunication branch of the General Post Office. In 1941, he was contacted by the War Department to help Alan Turing who was working at Bletchley Park to help break the German Enigma code. After the war, he returned to working for the General Post Office at their research station where he was placed in charge of the Highgate Wood Telephone Exchange. Later he was head of the advanced development at Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd. He died in 1998, he was 92.What you may not know about Thomas is that he de...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
John Flanagan was born in Newark, New Jersey back in 1865. He attended Bartlett School in Boston and St-Gaudens in New York. He continued his education at the Falguidre at the Ecold des Beaux-Arts in Paris. After graduation, he returned to the United States. He was a prolific medallic artist. He designed the official medal of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915. He later deigned and sculpted the Verdun Medal, a gift of the United States to France commemorating the World War I Battle of Verdun. One copy of his works the bust of St. Gaudens is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. In 1911, he was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Associate member, becoming a full Academician in 1928. He died in 1952.What you may not know about John is ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Zelda Sayre was born in Montgomery, Alabama back in 1917 to Anthony and Minerva. In her youth, she was interested in dancing, taking ballet lessons and enjoying the outdoors. She attended Sidney Lanier High School, but she was only interested in smoking, drinking and spending much of her time with boys. She once wore a tight, flesh-colored bathing suit fueling rumors that she swam nude.Beneath her high school photo was tow quotes made by her. “Why should all life be work, when we all can borrow?” “Let’s think only of today, and not worry about tomorrow.” She met her future husband Frances in 1918. In April of 1920, they were married in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The couple had one son, but she was not the domestic housewife. She became a truly exceptional dancer practicing for up to eight...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Enrico Fermi was born in Rome, Italy back in 1901 to Alberto and Ida, who was an elementary school teacher. When he was growing up you could find him building electric motors as a hobby.  After graduating from high school, he continued his education at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.His professor Luigi Puccianti stated there was little he could teach Enrico often asking Enrico to teach him. His knowledge of quantum physics was such that his teacher Puccianti often asked him to organize seminars on the topic. He taught mathematical physics and theoretical mechanics at the Unviersity of Florence. In 1938, at 37 years young he received the Nobel Prize in Physics. After getting the Nobel Prize he moved to the United States. Instead he worked on the Manhattan Project. He died in Chicag...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Maurice Paul Auguste Charles Fabry was born in Marseille, France back in 1867. He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris afterward receiving his doctorate from the University of Paris in 1892. His specialty was in optics and spectroscopy. In 1904, he was appointed Professor of Physics at the University of Marseille where he remained there for 16 years. In 1921, he was appointed Professor of General Physics at Sorbonne College and the first director of the new Institute of Optics. In 1926, he worked as a Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and the first general director of the Institut d’optique theorique et appliquee (sorry this is French). During his career, he published 197 scientific papers, 4 books and over 100 popular articles. He died in 1945 he was 78.What you may not k...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Oliver Evans was born in Newport, Delaware back in 1755 to Charles and Ann. His father was a shoemaker. The family moved to the Red Clay Creek area when he was an infant. There are no surviving records about his early childhood except that is was reported his literacy was strong. From a young age, he was an avid reader and writer on technical subjects.He was 19 when the Revolutionary War started, he enlisted in the Delaware militia but saw no active service during the war. After the war, he became a specialist in forming the fine wire used in textile cards (a process that disentangles and cleans wool to produce a continuous web suitable for processing). He died in 1819.What you may not know about Oliver is that he was also an inventor. He was one of the first Americans building steam en...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
John Dunlap was born in Co. Tyrone, Ireland back in 1747. When he was 10 he was sent to Philadelphia to work for his uncle William as an apprentice who was a printer and bookseller. In 1766, his uncle left the business to John. In 1771, John began publishing the Pennsylvania Packet.He served in the First Troop Philadelphia City Calvary, seeing action at the Battle of Trenton, the Battle of Princeton and the Whiskey Rebellion. Before the war was over he had risen to the rank of Major. In 1784, he printed a daily paper “North American and United States Gazette”. While it wasn’t the first paper it became the first successful daily paper. His first major success came from the sale of real estate. He bought property confiscated from the Loyalists. After the war, he bought land in what would ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Karl Frelherr von Drais was born in Karlsruhe, Germany back in 1785. Sorry but I cannot find any information about his parents, schooling or anything until 1812. He died in 1851, he was 66 years young. So, let’s get to it shall we.Karl was an inventor, in 1812 he invented the (“running machine”) nicknamed the hobby horse or dandy horse. It was the earliest form of a bicycle, without pedals. He also invented the earliest typewriter with a keyboard (1821), the first meat grinder and a cooking device he called the haybox. One would cook the food to the boiling point place it in the haybox, over a period of time, the food items cook by the heat captured in the insulated container. In 1842, he developed a foot-driven human powered railway vehicle he called the “draisine”. In the United State...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Denis Diderot was born in Langres, Champagne back in 1713 to Didler and Angelique. Educated at a Jesuit college in Langres earning a Master of Arts degree in philosophy in 1732. He continued his education at the College d’Harcourt of the University of Paris, abandoning the clergy he left to study law at the Paris Law Faculty.While many of you may know him for his translation of Temple Stanyan’s History of Greece and Robert James’s Medicinal Dictionary to name just two. He is also noted on his ideas on acoustics and air resistance. What you may not know about Denis is that he is best known for serving as co-founder and chief editor of the first Encyclopedia back in 1751. So, not trying to show my age I remember those well, a great source of information before the internet.Your day is wor...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Harry Diamond was born in Minsk, Russia back in 1900. In 1908, his family moved to the United States growing up in Quincy, Massachusetts. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1922 with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He completed his master’s degree in 1925.He joined the National Bureau of Standards in 1927, heading up the research and development department. He was given a task and within two years he developed a system that is still in use to this day. More on that in a moment. He was also tasked with the development of a proximity fuzes for nonrotating projectiles like bombs, rockets and mortars. He died suddenly when he was 48.What you may not know about Harry is that he developed a radio beacon system that permitted the first “blind” aircraft landing.Y...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Lorna Vivian Morcombe was born in Goderich, Ontario back in 1931 to Vivian and Nora. When she was 14 the family moved to Ottawa. It was there where her love for flying took off. She obtained her private pilot license when she was 16. In 1952 while studying at Ottawa’s Carleton University she received her commercial license.She worked for Spartan Air Services as a navigation clerk while in college. In 1953, she graduated with a B.A. and married Tony. Shortly afterwards they moved to northern Manitoba. In 1956, you could find her teaching English at a local high school while working part time for Sudbury Aviation where he taught students to fly. Her marriage ended in 1962, when she moved yet again back to Ottawa where she met and married Dick. She retired in 1999, and died in 2009.What yo...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
William Dampler was born in East Coker, Somerset, England back in 1651. He attended King’s School, Bruton before joining the Royal Navy in 1673. He participated in the Battles of Schooneveld before falling ill and returning to England for several months. After recovering he tried his hand at various careers all of which were just not suited for him.In 1679, he joined the crew of the buccaneer Captain Bartholomew Sharp. In 1683, he joined privateer John Cooke where he was with Cooke when they rounded the Cape Horn. He returned to England in 1691 via the Cape of Good Hope. He published a book in 1697, which was a sensation. In 1699, he was given command of the warship HMS Roebuck with a commission of King William III. In 1701, he was given command of the St. George. He succeeded in captur...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Iva Toguri D’Aquino was born in Los Angeles, California back in 1916 to Jun and Fumi. She graduated from high school in Los Angeles, continuing her education she graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a degree in zoology in 1940. In July of 1941, she sailed to Japan to visit an ailing relative. In August, she applied to the U.S. Vice Consul in Japan for a passport wanting to return to the U.S. While her request was under consideration the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, thus her passport was denied. To support herself she found work as a typist at a Japanese news agency and later for Radio Tokyo. She performed in comedy sketches and introduced recorded music in Japan.After the war, she was arrested but after a years’ worth of investigation she was released and ret...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Cornelis Corneliszoon was born in Uitgeest, Holland back in circa 1550. Little is known about his early life, parents or siblings. What I can tell you is of course the rest of the story, so let’s get to it. In 1594, he built his first sawmill which floated on a raft. He sold that sawmill moving to Alkmaar.In 1593, he was granted a patent for his new invention that enabled the mass construction of ships for overseas trade. The invention turned the Zaan district into the world’s first industrial area. It is not known when he died but it is believed he did around 1600 to 1607.What you may not know about Cornelis is that the patent was for his invention of the first wind-powered sawmill. It made the conversion of log timber into planks 30 times faster than before. On another note, his first...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Thomas Coke was born in Brecon, South Wales back in 1747. He stood 5’01” tall being prone to overweight. He studied at the Jesus College, Oxford graduating with a Bachelor of Arts. Continuing his education with a Master of Arts in 1770, and a Doctor of Civil Law in 1775. When he returned to Brecon, he was elected as mayor in 1772.The same year he was elected mayor, he was also ordained in the Church of England. Following the American Revolution most of the clergy associated with the Church of England moved back to England. He sailed to the United States ending up in Baltimore on Christmas Day 1784. From 1784 to 1803 he made eight trips to America. I guess you could call him a traveling man as he made trips to Gibraltar, Paris, Canada, Scotland and the West Indies to name a few.What you ...
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