William Alexander Anderson WallaceThanks for stopping by and taking time out of your day to read my post. My intent is to put a smile on your face. Hopefully you’ll go away with some information you may have forgotten about or did not know. Now sit back and enjoy.William was born in Lexington, Virginia back in 1817. I have no history to tell you about his childhood, what I can tell you of course is the rest of the story. in 1836 he got word his brother and a cousin was shot down in the Goliad Massacre. He set out for Texas to “take pay out of the Mexicans”. He fought in some battles you may be familiar with, let’s see Salado Creek, Hondo River, Mier, Battle of Monterrey and of course the Comanche Wars. Not that that was enough he also was involved in the Civil War guarding the f...