Fish On! New Fish & Game regs; Eielson & Ft. Wainwright Personnel
By Jesse Clifton
(Jesse Clifton & Associates)
New regulations adopted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game dramatically effect military hunters and fishermen...fisherwomen too... or is it fisherpeople? Either way, this is great news.Prior to the new regulations being adopted, folks stationed at Eielson Air Force Base and Fort Wainwright Army Post, that had been in Alaska less than 12 months, were required to pay nonresident fees for a fishing and hunting license and related game tags. A long overdue change to the ADFoG regulations will allow permanently stationed active-duty military personnel and their families to purchase nonresident hunting and fishing licenses at resident prices. An annual sport fishing license is now $25 and an annual combination sport fishing and hunting license is only $48. Can it get better than th...