Don't bank on getting referrals...and don't expect your closest friend to be an asset. If you get a listing they wanted, you may just be off the "BFF" list.
Big company names will not make you successful. Interview the brokers and office managers and ask if you can speak to some of the working agents...then interview them about the office.
Kat Palmiotti
Kalispell, MT
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
What Kathleen Daniels and Mike & Eve Alexander said. I have a feeling you are making this all more complicated in your head than it needs to be.
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Go with the broker you have good rapport with and that they have a good mentoring and training program.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Ditto to what Eve said....that's good advice.... take that guidance...
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
You will need to have that discussion with the respective brokerages and make that determination for yourself. I echo what Mike & Eve Alexander said.
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I wouldn't make the decision based on the potential for referrals - you could get those, if people know you, no matter what your brokerage. I wouldn't decide on a brokerage simply because you have a friend there. Do some interviewing of brokerages, and especially agents who work there if you can
Kasey & John Boles
Boise, ID
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Getting licensed in AK just to sell your own home may be a foolish move and not likely to save you any money.
- It costs a lot more than the cost of classes and license to get started.
- Most new agents do a very poor job of representing their clients, do you want to be that poorly served client who makes significantly less on their home sale?
Kasey & John Boles
Boise, ID
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Wait until you get there..make a decision when you see the offices, get a handle on its culture and then make a decision.
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Research the possibilities that are avaliable to you. Interview people who work in whatever office you are looking at...If the place fits go for it. A
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Usually I avoid such comments - however, today it is.
Being a '007' does not help - neither here not in our business.
And to answer your question --
Education. Training. Technology and Mentorship should score above the split you get from the brokerage you select - until you are ready to exposé yourself in the world!
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I have been with an independent, with a franchise, and now own an independent. For you to hang your license anywhere depends on whether or not that particular brokerage fits your needs. Each franchise is independently owned and operated - does the business plan of that particular owner work for you regardless of your previous affiliation? Interview the managing broker and determine this for yourself.
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Keep it simple. Find out the license requirements in the two states. Find out the splits etc. from the CB and KW offices. Don't count on referrals... you may be on your own when you land in your new state.
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Absolutely what Mike & Eve Alexander said - a broker doth not make an agent successful - YOU do that yourself!
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Unless your friend will be a partner in real estate, they will be competing against you. If you like big brokerages, then interview with both before making up your mind to see of CB has the feel of what you are used.
Christie H
Palmer, AK
From personal experience all brands have similarities so go where you are comfortable and don't think too deeply about what you will do months or a year from now. So much can change.
Christie H
Palmer, AK
Moving the product is the primary goal...The how secondary
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Interview the brokers and office managers and ask if you can speak to some of the working agents...then interview them about the office.
Choose a brokerage that is well known in the area you are moving to. My company, Coldwell Banker, is well known throughout the country, so I would suggest them.
Are you sure you know what you want to do? Have you considered the time factor? Time is money!
I'm with others on this. I wouldn't necessarily make a decision on KW, CB or any other brokerage until you get to Idaho and talk to some of the brokerages. I wouldn't choose KW for hope of future referrals and I wouldnt choose CB simply because I had a friend there. You want to make sure the brokerages are going to be the right fit for you overall, so you will have to decide what is important to you in choosing a brokerage and then find one that fits those criteria. Good luck!. Alaska & Idaho are two of my favorites states. -Kasey
What works for your friend may not work for you. If you are new to the state you have to learn the way things are done in that state. Find an office that offers a good training or mentorship program.
It's a personal decision you have to work out on your own after looking at all the pluses and minuses and deciding what is more important to you at this time e.g. people and how friendly/helpful they are, what the office offers in terms of training and sharing leads, splits, insurance fees, desk fees and so on.
You should firstly concentrate on getting your license in the new state. A name on the brokerage house does not sell houses...you do!!! Good luck!
You are allowing improper goals to direct your footsteps.
They are SO improper that one must assume their is more to the story than shared. To become licensed and join a broker in Alaska for the sole purpose of selling your house is misguided.
Your concern for selecting the right Idaho broker is relevant and properly directed. However, much of the advise you are receiving is non-sense.
The suggestion is the evaluate intangible attributes of the broker that are entirely subjective and unlikely to be known in the 60 minutes in the brokers office. But that is how the real estate industry works. The industry is addicted to selling the same old stuff that has failed the new agent for the past 40 years. 90% of newbie will never see their 2nd year anniversary. And nothing changes.
So listen up!
Measure the broker using OBJECTIVE criteria. Measure the RESULT of having a good culture, great team, best training, proper compensation, Superior systems and exceptional marketing and share.
How do you do that?
Ask these two questions.
How many agents in office?
Total annual transactions for office?
Total/agents = 20 or more is evidence their stuff works.
Your choice is 'Are you felling lucky today?"
If so, go with the criteria you can not measure.
If you are a business person, let the data guide your footsteps.
You are familiar with the processes/etc at your current company so may feel more comfortable staying with the same company. That being said, what I would do is to interview various companies in your new location and pick the one that fits best with what you need. I wouldn't go to the place where your best friend is, just because he/she is there. I would include him/her company in your list of potentials though.
Well, you can always switch if you do not like your first choice, but you have to start somewhere, I'd go with a smaller broker who has a strong agent support and a solid reputation in the area.
Why bother getting your license if you're moving? License won't do you any good in another state.