Best to not worry about the respect that you deserve, rather seek to be a person worthy of respect.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Results dont lie and lack of them dont lie either...Behold the fruit of the tree
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
I tend to accept what people do or don't do as a matter of who They are and not allow it to reflect on who I am.
Overall I feel like I get respect. There have been spot cases and clients that didn't give me respect but you have that in any business and situation.
I disagree. I think it's more "you get the respect you have for yourself."
In my old life, I did physical penetration tests (walking into secured areas I didn't belong in to see if anyone stopped me). I walked in with the confidence that I owned the place and was never stopped. One time (at a hospital) I even had a doctor offer to transfer me patients!
Respect is the same way. If you have respect for your abilities, you will not cast doubt and you will have the respect of the people you are working with. Doubt in your abilities or don't respect yourself and no one else will either. It is earned, not given... but there are shortcuts to earning it.
When you're comfortable with your skillset and know you are doing things right, you simply demand respect - others will give it to you when you know what you're doing and can project self-confidence
I do now. But as a new agent I had a lot of issues with that since I did not feel confident or deserving respect of my clients.
I think we have show respect for others first before we can earn their respect. Lead by example is my motto.
First to live 'Respect' each and everyday. You have to 'own' it to provide a glow of respect!
Knowledge and quality are good elements to demonstrate to earn respect.
Knowledge and competence earns respect. My more detailed response is on the blog post. I feel a blog post of my own coming on. LOL
Respect is earned after the fact!!!
there are agents who are heavy listing agents because of their ability to close and their knowledge of the market and marketing.... the homeowner may not know them and/or have respect for them.... the agent gets the phone call because of self promotion....