This is a very broad & specialized question. It is a Real Estate field unto itself.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
I agree with Richie Alan Naggar . Your best bet is to check with the cities involved for zoning and other restrictions. Here in California, there are various hoops to jump through like the Coastal Commission...A
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
The big problem is ...
People and Govt agencies who think that they have the right to Control land that others have paid for.
Jamie Garner
Saint George, UT
Tawny Lynn
Seattle, WA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I sent them to planning dept not wanting to be involved with such complicated subject. One agent got sued for claiming land is splitable(20 ac) to build. The brokerage lost at court and fired the realtor.
Jamie Garner
Saint George, UT
Sam Shueh
San Jose, CA
I agree with Ron and Alexandra Seigel who agreed with Richie Alan Naggar
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
I agree with Richie Alan Naggar - try again with a less broad question
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
On Kauai one zoning issue that is a hot button is vacation rentals.
Jamie Garner
Saint George, UT
There are many levels. Some that may be overlooked at a very local level might be deed or subdivision restrictions that you may not find in your zoning regs; they go beyond, but may be risky if ignored. For example, number of pets or types of pets (could be an issue if your clients have two dogs and only one is allowed). In our subdivision we can't have clothes lines, fences, fowl, big satellite dishes, RV's in driveways and so on.
Jamie Garner
Saint George, UT
I agree with Richie Alan Naggar --- the question is very broad. Even in my own market, there are differences between cities.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
City officials have to consider traffic congestion, infrastructure capabilities and conformity with surrounding properties.
Jamie Anderson - many of them are related to the town-zoning. Each town can have a different guideline.
Jamie Anderson Become familiar with the Master/Comprehensive Plan to avoid these potential problems and with the local zoning ordinance.
I used to be a City Planner and have a graduate degree in urban planning. There are not any problems with zoning, its the lack of knowledge from the general public; that is when it becomes a problem. I know that we could argue about "takings" etc. or how some believe zoning can discriminate. But without order there is chaos.
Depends on the planning department for the individual communities and any other local/state agencies. Here in California we have the California Coastal Commission
problems begin and end with PEOPLE..... and when it comes to town planning and zoning laws, they are as solid as the people who plan them and pass those zoning laws.... some people have a real talent for shooting themselves in the foot....
Government red tape and interference. Do gooder groups, like the coastal commisssion.
It depends on location. There are several zonings and methods etc that could be factors. Town limits, JLMA 1, 2, and 3, public water and sewer is differnet than well and septic, environments, building heights, sight distance, highway dept, speed limits, flood plains, wetlands, easements, access, etc, etc, etc can all come into play.
What types of problems......hmmmm.
I trust you are aware that an entire segment of the practice of law is dedicated to address these problems.
The easy problems range from the grouchy person who want things to remain 1968 to the nostalgia dude who wants to preserve a 1926 shack that no one can live in, to the hugger who believes there a turtle in those weeds to the owner of the major league sports team that wants the city to impose emanate domain to get them to stay in town.
And it always made easier and less expensive by bringing in the attorneys, NOT real estate agents.