No. NAR does not publish statistics for our great land.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
I don't hardly reference any national statistics in my presentations... real estate is just too hyper-local for it to have meaning.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I focus locally.... my market reports with what every statistic I'm displaying would be gathered from my local market....that's what relevent to those with whom I want to do business....I want local listings....
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Never have used them Lise. Don't know that I ever will
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
During a market presentation, local is most important. The reference to state and national trends, if at all, will be brief.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Economic pap, worthless drivel for the masses. NAR data is totally out of touch with my markets in Tallahassee and Ocala.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
It depends on the type of information I am trying to present and the message I want to get across.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Many feel that their home is an exception to the stats.
Patricia Kennedy
Washington, DC
Local, local, local. All real estate is local and sellers/buyers want to know what is relevant in local area.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
I share Buyer and Seller Survey results to make my point about the ineffectiveness of Print Media
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
I don't really get into stats - I find most people in my area don't know what NAR is but they sure know Z - which of course I have to set them straight!
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Yes. I use the stats on % of buyers searching online. I sell in an area where quite a few of our buyers are coming from up north. Most start their searches online before they come to Florida.
Real estate is local and stats should be local, too. When I want to provide stats, I use my market reports and MLS stats.
I do not use them, i get my own data from my MLS and base my presentation on the home, area and seller.
I would never include it. My presentation is area specific and home specific.
Real estate is local, isn't it?
Lise Howe - people like stats - any kind of! As long as it is on Internet.
That's why they believe in Zillow!
I study my market and regularly reference my local market stats. I did it twice this weekend. Real estate is local.
I don't reference NAR or Lawrence Yun unless someone is considering going FSBO or using a limited service agency.
I don't feel the national stats are relevant for my market, so I like to use the local MLS or Core Logic data.
I may mention national market information as an opener sometimes and then concentrate on local market data.
I would only use local stats...do you remember when the nations' economists made the statement that the recession was OVER, and it was getting worse?
I'd try to find the same stats somewhere else - maybe Case Shiller. In DC an industry lobbying group of any kind in more likely to be perceived as biased.
I never ever, ever, ever mention NAR or their stats except to create mockery.
And the brush is sufficiently wide to cover those who do quote NAR stats.
I encourage citizen to accept they ARE smart enough to not fall for the shill or those in the shill choir..
Real estate is LOCAL.
My recommendation to others is if you can not explain the origin of every number you quote, you should remain silent or assume the tactics of Zdevil. There deceptions and misrepresentation is expected and accepted.
I use the MLS combined with NAR/CAR/SDAR/Inman stats to make my point/set expectations. They are not dismissed by the public, they wouldn't have any reason to dismiss them typically. My MLS research, experience in our market and local news typically are my smoking gun though because CA sets the pace so typically we're seeing different markets than NAR is reporting, they seem to fall behind on what we're seeing in real time.
I do not listen to Mr. Yun, nor his dribble. Kind of like the latest unemployment statistics from the Department of Labor. 3.7%? Sure! And if you beleive that, I will sell you some waterfront in the Sahara.
I have had the pleasure of getting to know Laurence Yun and he is a no spin guy. NAR stats are the same and it gives a good overall idea of the market but should be combined with local stats.
'market shill' .... that's what most of their presumptions are. I'm not sure that I believe a word that comes out of the guys mouth now since the market crash. I used to.
I do not reference national news or stats, I stay local. We have a program that lets me do that (Broker Metrics) working thru the MLS. That gives more in-depth info. Besides, who cares what CA is doing when I'm in IL.