Happy birthday - we had a great lunch at SNOB, Slightly North of Broad - open windows, ceiling fans, "eclectic low country food" - my 9 month old grandson is fascinated by ceiling fans - have a great trip!
Maybe a boat ride out to Ft Sumter too - your daughter would probably enjoy the boat ride
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
The first day I like to take one of the tour buses around to see what there is and then explore the rest of the days. I know it is a touristy thing to do, but I have learned so much about the cities I have visited taking the tour.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
You're a CB agent - go to one of the offices, introduce yourelf and ask for referrals - then write off your trip on your taxes and have a great time!
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Hire a babysitter
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Charleston is a great city and has lots of great restaurants and galleries to visit. Have a great trip.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Happy Birthday!! I think Barbara Todaro has a great answer for you and your family!
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Happy Birthday, Coal....go to a zoo... you'll have fun with your daughter....
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Coal... there's so much to do and see in the Charleston area, it's hard to choose. And great restaurants, too! And I do what Susan Laxson recommends, to take a bus tour first, anytime I'm in a new city. Also check out the area plantation houses.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Go see the historic section. Lots to see and do. Great restaurants, historic buildings, free bus tours and more. See the farmers market. Enjoy the coastline.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes, bring a bucket load of patience.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
lots of dipers, milk and rock by baby......
Have a good one. Happy B'day.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Rainbow row. The battery, the older parts of town are fantastic. Bring along some walking shoes.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Coal Infantino
York, PA
I have nothing to offer other than HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Happy Pre-Birthday, Coal, I've never been to Charleston - yet another place to visit on my bucket list. I also like the suggestion by Susan Laxson when I visit a new city.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Boy never been there but take lots of pictures.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Coal Infantino Yes, have fun with your family.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Haven't been to Charlestown but have heard it is beautiful. Stroller-friendly venues should please the three of you. Happy birthday!
Coal Infantino
York, PA
Happy birthday, Coal.
I hope you enjoy the trip. I've never been to Charlestown.
Coal Infantino
York, PA
I like to google the town I am going to. They always do a great job promoting their best features whether it's theatre, nature, sports, museums or whatever. As for restaurants, I prefer to ask the locals when I get there.
Have a great trip, and my suggestion with a ten-month old is to take lots of rest stops and get her running around for a half hour, so she's content to sit still for another hour until the next rest stop. Kid music can also be a good thing. Or take the train, lol! Having a cranky child can ruin the entire journey.....
Coal Infantino
York, PA
I hope, your vacation will be fun. The only suggestion I have: do not announce details of your vacation on your public networks....
Thanks everyone! It sounds like I will have plenty of options when we get there. I'm going to look into the Zoo, (She loved the one we went to in Hershey P.A.) the bus tour, and a plantations tour for sure!!
Coal Infantino - just do not travel too far with 10-month old.
Have fun - a Gemini?