Dude. I'm in. Call me tomorrow afternoon if you have time.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Oh, I thought this was related to the guest blogging spam I got last night. Sadly, about exotic cars!
Thanks for the offer, but I don't have a need at this point.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
John -- I received an email yesterday asking me if they could guest blog after "reading" one of my posts here. Their approach was a bit unconventional - kinda spam-like. They wanted to write about hotels, fast cars and Italy. All nice things but not anything I'm interested in having on my posts.
I have heard the term "guest blogging" but never understood what it encompassed. It looks like you have some possibilities already. Good luck.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
IMO this doesn't SEO very well anymore - Google has taken the sails out of this type of marketing years ago.
That being said - I don't give a darn what G says or does anymore - so if you need another you can send me an email and I'll forward it to my webmaster
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
John, How is the blog going? I am starting up a similar project soon, and would be interested.
I am always interested in guest blogging and have had excellent results both giving/receiving real estate content. What site are you wanting the information for? Shoot me an email at clark444 *at* gmail.com with your rqmts John Meussner.
Unique idea! I would like to investigate it more and will keep your info in case I decide it works for me.
John Meussner wish I was a better blogger....I am sure there are so many good ones who will help you with this...
It sounds interesting John. I know Anita Clark wanted to do this but needed 1200 words on the topic. What are your requirements?
Let's chat about this in more detail later this week ... when you have the time.