I need to be a creature of habit. In others words, things I need to do daily, I have to do in the same order at the same time each day. And I need to do them first thing in the morning before phones start ringing.
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Peter Mohylsky, Beach ...
Miramar Beach, FL
I start with sort of ''miracle morning'' and move to emails, calls, appointments. I check and post in networks when I wait for something/someone ( instagram, FB, Twitter, LI ~ 10-20 minutes for each/day) and finish day with AR.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Good morning Peter. you can't manage time. You can time block tho . . . There is a lot of good information on this subject in "The One Thing" by Gary Keller.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Peter Mohylsky, Beach ...
Miramar Beach, FL
For many time blocking works, for others like myself a prioritized daily task list is the answer.
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Start with a prioritized 'To-Do' list. Focus on that are refuse diversions unless an emergency.
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Make a list.
Check it twice.
Follow the list!
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Peter, I would go back to your business plan you created and stick to the plan. That should help you manage your time and meet your specify business goals. It is a problem I struggle with also. I wish you well.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Peter Mohylsky, Beach ...
Miramar Beach, FL
I time block..always has worked for me.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Peter Mohylsky, Beach ...
Miramar Beach, FL
I like to split my day in have, start by checking messages, emails and returning those in need. Write my block and check my favorites. Usually on the road for my first appointment most often 9am. I try to schedule my appointments in a circe where i dont chris cross or go back to areas i was already at. I try to wrap up my morning appointments by noon. I schedule a lunch where not only can i eat, catch up on messages, offers or such. I can add in any apointments and head out for the afternoon.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Good morning Peter. If I have it on my calender, I do it. I start my day with social media at 4 AM for two hours, then my workout, breakfast and then look out world, I'm ready.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Try time blocking and reading The One Thing..making toooo long a list will find you accomplishing less. If you feel you are being distracted...pay attention to what and when the distractions interrupt your goals for the day and then look for specific remedies.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Peter, there is no such thing as time management.
We all have the same 24 hours, once spent, it's gone forever.
The ONLY thing you can do is manage your TASKS.
Task management should be your focus.
AND. to manage tasks you need to be able to PRIORITIZE.
I use task management tools like TRELLO.com to co-ordinate tasks within my workspace of collaborators.
However, there is a MAJOR discipline and mental focus required to prevent mission creep.
Be honest with yourself or you will find yourself falsely believing focusing on busywork is beneficial.
Then, commit to putting things away (done) as opposed to putting things down(come back to it). Unfinished tasks and projects will drain your energy just by their presense.
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Plan out your typical day in pencil. Time block in 30 minute sections. Be flexible and if you need to make changes that is ok. Like Gary Keller says you can erase and replace. Good luck.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Very old school and extremely low tech -- I write a daily to do list.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Time blocking is as close as you can get in this business! And be prepared for rapid adjustments!
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I took a course once called "More Time", and it was basically how to use a Franklin Planner (they had their own), and reducing short term goals into an action plan. I am a total time management slob, but when I used this, it really worked well.
Hi Peter!
What a great question! Getting a handle on the day early on is the best way to ensure a productive day! I've found that keeping my calender online so it syncs with all my devices has helped me tremendously in that area! When I get up in the morning, my phone has a list waiting for me right there on my home screen, listing all my appointments and tasks for that day. I literally schedule everything in my Google calendar... not just appointments but also reminders for follow up calls and mail outs, birthdays and anniversaries and personal commitments. Plus, this all syncs with my CRM, too! So notes/appointments/follow ups I add on there show up on my phone, computer, tablet, etc! No more leaving the planner at home for me, since I'm never without my phone at least! This may not work for everyone, but it definitely has for me, so thought I'd share!
Dianne Dunn
Maximum One Greater Atlanta Realtors
First two hours of the day is allocated to social media. Then I reach over to the phone for more wholesome interaction. Afternoon is always scheduled for face to face. I always end the day with social media...especially, FB.
Time blocking is my secret with good systems in place. I handle the problems of the day after I am fully awake and firing on all cylinders and get these out of the way. Then on to the other tasks to complete.
time blocking works great for me.
i always create a time block for unexpected/new urgent items. usually in the middle of the day. if nothing comes up, then i use if for other stuff or just take a little time for relaxing, throw in a load of laundry, walk the dog, whatever.
We have an A list for the most important tasks, and then move on to B and C. We also have stretch breaks. A
That's really tough to do in this business. I know some agents that only work 9-5, M-F. They're successful too! I would never have that kind of discipline.
No two days are the same and I''m not great at organization, but I try to block off an hour a day for this, and hour a day for that. It doesn't always work though.
I am a list driven person. My entire day is written on a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. I go to the appointment and check it off the list. I complete a task or project and check it off the list. It works for me.
I start my day around 5:30am or so, and spend two hours doing email, updating emailable leads, checking Facebook, ActiveRain, etc. Then I take care of personal stuff (dog walking, running, showering,store) and from 10am on, I take care of whatever appointments I have, and/or whatever my priority must-dos are.
The key for me is putting everything on the calendar.
Prioritize, Schedule and Avoid Distractions. Set time limits for non-essential activities... such as non-business oriented social media, etc.