I will be doing more handwritten notes to show the personalized service we provide. My goal is 4+ a day. My goal is to get 20 referrals per month.
Tara Berkoski
Southampton, NY
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Actually, my branding seems to be working very well. I don't think I'll be doing anything different with my branding. I will be making some tweaks to my marketing though...but it's more about adding to it/extending to more people.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Interesting question, and I am thinking that now actually. Branding is more than a name change, its a total image and belief system and actual changes. Changing your name does not change your brand.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Michael - I am working on a few things to better brand myself, making things more consistent.
Good morning Michael. I was not planning on doing a new branding in the near future, but if there is a reason, I would not hesitate to do it.
I'll be changing a broker,so I have to change everything. It is going to be very time consuming...
I think branding is over rated. Especially for those of us who are small shops. My business is very organic and comes to me naturally so I don’t try to “be” some particular brand.
Michael Thornton - branding is good for business. My niche and my referrals help me build my business. And I am one of those Tech Savvy Agent!
since I've changed my business, I'll be branding those for whom I market....and if this goes well, I'll consider branding ME as a marketer..... I've always been a team leader.... I'll not be involved unless someone needs mentoring...and so far, I've been doing alot of mentoring with new construction and land transactions.... I need to see how this progresses...
I will be doing nothing different with my brand, but I do plan to market my current brand more often.
I work a little each day on a new website that will have more features like newsletter subscriptions. Also updating all my public profile so they all basically match and have same photo, etc. ( LinkedIn, fb page,G+, Twitter, etc).
Giving it some thought as next year will be a relocation year and a start over!