Jillian La Rocque I qualify them through a set of questions before showing the rental listing.
Usually, they are reluctant to fill out all the details in application - which does ask them for personal information - and it is natural, I'd do the same.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I do prequalify based on what I can get online with just their name, but most refuse to fill out the app until they see the home.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
We do it over the phone first. No need to waste any ones time plus it is very revealing when people hesitate to answer simple questions put to them
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Jillian - I stopped doing rentals because so many property managers/landlords stopped giving any commission to agents for finding a tenant. I do a lot of things for free, but can't spend all my time working for free, so I had to cut my losses.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
If it is my rental then I do ask them questions prior to showing. I try not to show properties that are not mine, it is not productive.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
When I did do rentals I would do the app when they were ready to submit.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
We don't handle rentals but those who do at our office qualify each applicant before any showing.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Some property management companies require their own completed application. I ask qualifying questions and get income information and copies of id. Show them available homes then complete the application and get money orders.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I do a brief prequal with a prospective tenant before and a more thorough if they want to pursue the property after seeing it.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I do ask them for the rental application before we go see homes. I also ask for the credit report. Similar to working with buyers, renters should be qualified before going out - otherwise it's a waste of everyone's time.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
In our area, the rental application varies from property to property, so I usually ask a few pre-qualifying questions and then show the property.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I doubt an appicant who want to complete an application prior to seeing a property.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Last few I get 20-40 inquires. I only look at those writing to tell me about themselves. I do everything on line by eMail w/o even giving them my phone #. When a suitable prospect is selected I have their profile. I put a sign on the door. Open House cancelled-filled. If they inqure I send a notice.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Larger Property mngrs. in our area are using Showers that only follow up leads and show properties to inquiries/leads. So I would say after to any interested parties . These are then turned over to the Property Mngr. and the Shower has no further involvement on that file.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I would think that it would be after, but I would try to pre-qualify them as much as possible before taking my time to meet them. Also, remember, safety first!
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
the agents here do the application after....
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
For rental prospects, I took their ID and held it at the office during showings. After the showing they received their ID back and they decided whether they wanted to proceed with application or not.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I explain brokerage fees etc. prior to taking them out so its perfectly clear to them what it will cost them to rent. I don't prequalify or have them fill out a rental application until they select a rental they like. I really don't work with a lot of renters so this may not be the best way but its how I work.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Jillian La Rocque I would meet with the people and prequalify them. How do you know what they can afford without prequalifying them? Have them fill out an application after they find a property they wish to rent.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
After. it doesn't take long to fill out a rental application. No, I don't qualify them. Most usually explain their situation up front.