Depends on their stated buying time frame - usually twice as long as that - plus a holdover period for any properties shown by us.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
John Center
Albany, NY
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
I normally don't have buyers sign an agreement. Either they want to work with me or they don't.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
John Center
Albany, NY
The term may vary but 90 days is typical with an early release provisiton. They do need to sign an agreement.
John Center
Albany, NY
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I always include language in my buyer broker agreement that allows either the buyer or me to terminate the agreement if we are not already under contract. If you are a buyer and concerned about signing an agreement, you're smart. If there is not "out" language in there, you can write it in.
John Center
Albany, NY
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
If I am working with someone I already know, I will not use a buyer/broker agreement. However, if I feel like I need a buyer/broker agreement with a client, I will set the expiration for 6 months. I will allow the buyer to back out of the agreement at any time, however.
I just like to use it to ensure that they are working exclusively with me, but if they want out, I will let them go. I don't want to work with anyone who doesn't want to work with me.
John Center
Albany, NY
I use them, and they are typically 3 to 6 months.
John Center
Albany, NY
I usually have a 6 month Buyers Agreement. It's more of a psychological thing.
John Center
Albany, NY
We use them occasionally and tailor the term to the client. Normally at least 6 months because it takes awhile for off island buyers to zero in on what they want.
John Center
Albany, NY
I don't get one signed right away with a buyer, but I will do it as soon as I know more about the buyer and see we can work well together. The length of time depends on the buyer. I'll do six months if I know we are going to get them in a house soon. I'll do a year if it's a buyer that is still just kind of looking.
John Center
Albany, NY
During buyer's consultation, I do bring out the buyer's agreement.
John Center
Albany, NY
I usually know my clients as friends before they become clients so I don’t have them sign.
John Center
Albany, NY
I have them sign a non exclusive contract. They can go to other agents but if I am the agent who showed the hosue I am the agent for that house.
John Center
Albany, NY
Typically I don't use one, unless I suspect that they are agent shopping. But if I do, it's either situational (for one property only) or for 3 months if it's an investor.
John Center
Albany, NY
BBA's are mandatory in my State. I usually write them for six months with an out.
John Center
Albany, NY
6 months, because it takes 3-4 months to get into escrow these days and with TRID I need a cushion for length of escrow too. I never work without one.
I'm always fascinated that agents see the value in the Listing Agreement, but oppose the equally important & valid Buyer Representation Agreement.
It seems like an odd double standard mindset: "I'm going to lock in the seller, but wouldn't dream of doing that same thing to a buyer"...such a curious distinction as if one is more valued than the other? Or is it some how one is "trusted" and the other is not? Very curious behavior.
But, I'm coming from other professional industries where we used a contract with EVERY client the same...and ran our business like a business.
John Center
Albany, NY
We are not required to have a buyers agreement. I wish we did though. However, if we do get a buyers agreement, no brokerages will uphold the contract, if the buyer uses another agent, or multiple agents. Once you find out they are using different agents per property, or mood they are in, then I of course do not work with that buyer.
John Center
Albany, NY
usually, the only buyers we work with are the sellers we have who are staying locally .....no agreement is needed....
John Center
Albany, NY
I usually have one and try to time it with enough time to get the job done. Some have been over a year while others may be only 90 days.
I do not use it. 7 pages of conditions too intimidating. You either trust the guy or not. Any hint you show me a house I will have my brother to write it will be left on the freeway. We have plenty of attorneys in our office.
For sellers that is unheard of this is my 11th year. For listing agreement it is at will. Too bad you are a sucker took on a listing you did tons of work. They cancel the agreement.