Good morning Sally. We have two food drives, one in Nov and the other in Dec. I am not sure how many tons of food we have donated to the local food shelters.
Make it a great week!
I spent all day (0700-1700) at a joint search and rescue & fire car over the side training for my rescue team. I give back year round through that team. In addition we'll make donations of food or money to local food banks and the Spark of Love toy donation drive.
At Keller Williams we have red day once a year to give back in the community. Our office also does our own food drives, toy drives etc. throughout the year also.
Sally & David,
We are a two person shop and attend different churches. We each do our own thing rather than an office thing.
Sally K. & David L. Hanson I remember donating winter coats to a senior center in our town.
And once it was 'Toys for Tots'.
I also remember Dinner on Wheels - or something similar.
We always have some or the other for Thanksgiving drive.
We have had separate food and toy drives in the past. There were a couple of years where there was an "Adopt A Family" program too.
Sally K. & David L. Hanson One company I worked with would participate in a Winter Coat Drive for the needy during the holidays.
Our give-back is not seasonal; it is year-round. We support the blood bank; I personally give every 56 days.
We also do some pro bono work for those who cannot afford all of the costs of renting or purchasing.
We have set up a FLAGG (Free Loan Association of Gladstone Group) wherein we loan interest free money to those who need a hand up.
Our office has a Santa day, where we can invite our clients and get photos with Santa, and have snacks. Our association does more for the public.
Year round we pay if forward in working at the food banks. We make sure needy kids have Christmas via our Church.
nothing unusual....we always do toys for tots and we collect for the local food pantry.....
Hi Sally..... We always bring in gifts to the office to distribute to the Woman's and Children's battered shelter. This year we are also going to try and participate in the 5K run/walk event giving to the Ronald McDonald's house..fun activity to do together and make a difference for a worthy cause.