No never but what a great idea. Maybe I'll e-mail all those Realtors that "feature" the garage door.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Yes, I switch them around quite often. Don't want people to get tired of seeing the same old same old.
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Interesting idea. I will have to check with my MLS. At one point, I thought that the primary photo had to be the front photo. I also thought that MLS frowned upon too many changes/updates. I know Agents were changing words or adding periods or commas to force an update.
Our MLS requires an exterior shot as the primary photo so that limits our ability to switch around.
Sally K. & David L. Hanson that's an excellent idea - and I think not many of us are using it.
Real great 'question' that leads to call-to-action that helps our seller clients.
if it's on the market long enough, it needs the featured photo changed often....
NO. Not for the PURPOSE you identify.
I change the image and text for entirely different puposes.
I do not in fact it's never crossed my mind until now with your question.
Good morning Sally. That is a really good idea, more folks should be doing it.
Good Thursday morning Sally and David. I do know of some real estate agents in this area who do that. I think it is good marketing.
Sally and David - I have always put the exterior of the home as the primary picture. You have given me some food for thought.
I don't, but what a great idea. I think I'll do that on one of my listings right now. Thank you
No I leave the front photo as the primary. If it isn't a good shot I try different angles to find a more appealing angle.
I always start with the curb appeal look, from the outside, inviting them inside.
If I knew who was looking at it ahead of time and when... I can't predict that, so catering photos to groups/types of people isn't possible for me. I try to pick the best room/feature of the house and use that for the main photo (out board's only photo requirement is that you have at least one). Sometimes that's the front of the house, most recently it has been remodeled kitchens or impressive living rooms.
Once I have my photo lineup set, I don't change it unless the house changes.
I change it if the season changes, but our MLS requires a exterior shot for main photo
I change the primary each month with a different picture outside until it sells. The inside if there were changes made.
Whatever is in my property description is backed by pictures. The best features are included.
I base which photo I will use as the primary MLS photo on what will have the biggest "wow factor" for those seeing the listing. Whether it's the amazing view, a fantastic new kitchen or the home has awesome curb appeal, I'll use that which is likely to make the best first impression/impact. Our MLS doesn't require us to use a photo of the front exterior as the primary photo... thank goodness! How we market our listings (with regard to photos)should be up to the listing agent, not the MLS rules. Just don't try to sneak in a photo with a clear & legible view of your sign. That's a no-no in our MLS because you can't include contact info in your photos.
The primary photo is always of the outside; mostly it stays with the one. Homes have been selling fast.
I rotate the photos if the home doesn't sell right away Sally K. & David L. Hanson.