Never entered one so far.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I've read other people mention they hadn't received points for contests. I dont know if the issue has been resolved.
I haven't been able to upload photos from my iPad for months. Support jerked me around for quite a while and concluded that I should not use an iPad. Lame.
I don't think you're being a complainer.
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Only when I participate!
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I dont pay attention to that, so would not know.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Nope, and it is probably because I did not participate in any of them. I hope, you got your points by now:)
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Still waiting for my points for hosting a meetup in May!
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
All of the points for my June contest were awarded and also for the other two contests during that month. I did follow up on that. As a contest host, I felt like I was left hanging. But Bob did it. It was very late in July, though, when he awarded them. You may have missed it. If you didn't get them...contact Bob. But wait until he's back from his honeymoon. There weren't any contests in July.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Brian, now that you mention it, I don't think I have. I entered the one for the best 5 things about where you live. I don't think I got the points on that. I enjoyed the contest anyway though!
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Eventually you'll get them. It's fairly obvious that the AR staff has dramatically dimished in all areas and we are the losers.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
They did give them out last month, and what happened is that they did not send the email that they did. So we did not notice, when I questionned AR, they were nice enough to tell me when the points were awarded. They were there/ A
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I have not received points for a survey I completed at the time of the ownership change.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
i thought they had done away with contests but I did see Debbie Reynolds had one going right now for the month of August. If you have a point issue contact ActiveRain directly ....
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
You can be sure that you will receive points when you participate in the August contest sponsored by Debbie Reynolds.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ