Robert Gillen The biggest issue I see here in commercial real estate is storm water management systems. I recently sold one where the whole property was a dry pond. The buyers have worked a way to build over the pond.
Yes I concur with Mike Rock, well water. And if you purchased a home near a lake, then the lake dried up because of a drought... like the one we had her is Central TX for quite a few years. Our beautiful lake Travis, in Austin TX, was almost empty...see pic. It lasted for 4 years and this was the end result. Caused many of those homeowners that paid for waterfront views to feel pretty sour. Several of those home went up for sale and business had to close down. But thank God the rains came this year in May and June and our lake became almost full again.
Fortunately for most of our area, water is a free resource that just involves pounding a well in your back yard and pumping it up.
if your looking for actual answers, as in concrete info, google til the cows come home. this is a very very complicated issue out west. i am sorry that i wont even attempt to try this NOVEL here, but needless to say its important. our local authorities are trying to take our well water rights away.thats how crazy it is going in calif