The terminology is pretty clear under agency law. Consumers become customers when you serve in a non-agency relationship. If you become a buyer's agent or a listing agent, they become your clients.
Eve Alexander
Tampa, FL
Shirley Coomer
Phoenix, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Bob Force (REALTOR®)
Mount Airy, MD
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
They're clients if it's my listing, they're customers if it's my buyers. If I have the buyers sign a BBA agreement, then they're my clients.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Clients when under agency agreement, and customers when not.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Ours are all Clients.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
John Pusa
Glendale, CA
Everyone is your customer and those that contract to pay you are clients.
Shirley Coomer
Phoenix, AZ
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Christina, I call them clients.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Depends on whether they signed a contractor not, most are clients.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
It is hard not to think of all the people I help as clients. I try to treat everyone the way I would want to be treated. I have to remember, though, whether or not someone chooses to be a client or remain a customer is their decision (and their right). Client or customer, everyone is entitled to "reasonable care" which means never doing anything intentionally to cause problems down the line.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Customers when I work as a transaction broker.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Clients are those you work FOR as in representation with fiduciary duties.
Customers are those that you work WITH...no representation, no fiduciary duties.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Christina, here in Oklahoma we are not under the agency as far as real estate is concerned. I call all people I help sell, or buy a property clients. I consider people customers if I was in retail or some other similar setting.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
I call them prospects until they become clients.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
If I am talking to other professionals, the technicly correct term, customer for non-agency, Client for ageency, is used.
However in public I NEVER use customer to describe anyone.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Martin Kalisker is absolutely right, that is the legal definition, although the two terms are often used interchangeably.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
As someone else mentioned, the distinction is clear here in Toronto. Clients have signed an exclusive agreement to work with you. Customers are people you help but they are not exclusive.
I treat everyeone fairly and honestly.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
If there is an agency relationship client. I don't work with customers.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Customers. I was told by a broker years ago that "here" they are customers.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
If they have signed an exclusive buyer agency agreement, they are a client. If you have no agreement with them, they are a customer.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
It depends on the industry. In real estate in Ontario, customers and clients refer to two different types of relationship that the real estate brokerage has with the other party. Other industries or even specific companies use customer, client, patient, guest, etc.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Good morning Christina. I will always use client, customer just doesn't seem as valuable.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Good Thursday morning Christina. My customers are the real estate agent's clients.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Christina - I agree with Martin Kalisker, with one more level; that of a serious client. Serious client is one who reads and responds to your emails and returns your phone calls.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Christina, I was an owner operator of a retail market and some of the most wonderful customers. As a Realtor my clients are also terrific.