Many communities protect trees and have bylaws that require permission be asked of the powers that be prior to any pruning, removing, etc. I do not feel that anyone should be allowed to indiscriminately kill something that might be 50 - 100 years old if it is healthy just for their own selfish needs.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Though i like trees, I also respect a landowners right to do what they want.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Funny, I've found it's usually the opposite... the neighbor wants the other's trees either trimmed back or cut down but the one whose property the trees are on doesn't want to touch them. I've known neighbors who've sued because the next door neighbor had their trees trimmed (just the branches that go into their yard) without permission from the one whose property the trees are on. The one whose trees were trimmed without permission won the suit. I think in the case of the ones you mention, private property rights win over the neighbor's preference to keep them for their self-interest. Some cities may require the one removing trees to get a permit and also replace the ones removed with other trees of that property owner's choosing.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
If a tree is rooted in your yard and you want to take it out, go for it. If the neighbor wants some shade, let them plant their own tree.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
At least here you can (with permits) trim any limbs from a neighbors tree that hang over the property line. Don't trim past that line though unless they agree to it!
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Can't really do much if they are on the other property. I don't know why someone that bought a home would cut down trees, but it is their choice.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
The owner of the tree is the one with the trunk on their property.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
I wouldn't think there is much the neighbor can do. The neighbor doesn't own the trees are have to maintain them. Has the neighbor talked with an attorney?
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Christina - I would imagine that the neighbors can't do much about a homeowner cutting down trees in their own back yard, but then again, I am not an attorney, and you never know.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
Trees and branches tgat extend over into the air rights of neighbors can be issues among neighbors. If the neighbor who has a branch hanging over an invading his or her air rights is not permitted to cut those branches down because if you do and you kill the tree your neighbor who owns the tree could file acclaim against you for killing the tree.?you must politely ask them to prune their own tree.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
not much. . . . the trees are the property owners. The neighbors should consider planting their own trees in places where privacy and shade are needed. . .. the neighbors can also maintain the trees
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
As the trees are on their property probably not much and is a question that should be asked of an attorney.
Christina Sanchez Hood
Palo Alto, CA
It is a homeowner's right to do what they please (legally) with their property. If a neighbor wants privacy, they can certainly add their own trees. A Seller may not want to the upkeep for the trees, which can get pricey, as they age. The trees may have health issue that makes more sense for homeowner to remove them; rather than treat them. Communication between the neighbors should prove helpful.
No I have not had an occassion where a neighbor wants to dictate what someone else can do on their property.
I am a strong believer in private landowner rights, if the neighbor wants those trees left, rather than petitioning the city to take the neighbors rights away, he should offer to compensate the neighbor to have the trees left.