People are in different places with diverse motivators.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
It happens, some people just can't ever be pleased! Move on to the next client and provide the same great service.
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
Some people the more you do, the less appreciative they are. . . . seems like you cannot do enough for them, they always want more. Just the nature of the beast. . . give them a few months then ask for referrals and keep in touch -
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
In general, the folks we do business with come away from the closing in a good mood.
I do recall a closing about eight years ago when the sellers were aggrieved because of errors and delays caused by the closing company. We don't use that firm anymore.
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
hmmm....all the attention going away from them? Some like making drama and keeping it going..the closing represents the end to their "victim" drama....check please!
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
One time...but her ex-husband who was also a client was very happy...the house was sold and he no longer had to have any contact with her. She is the one who hired me but it was quickly apparent that she was a powder keg waiting to blow!!
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
I agree with Barbara, those negative clients maybe cannot expereience a positive situation!
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
on occasion, I think everyone has experienced that at one time or another....negative people will always be negative, even in a positive situation.....
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
Oh yeah! They may take a step to prematurely give notice to move out before we tell them to, then they get mad when their plans don't go right. Or people are mad when the previous owners aren't entirely moved out yet. Silly things like that, but it maybe happens a VERY small percent of the time. Can't please everyone.
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
The short answer is YES. She almost didn't close. Shortly after closing things started to go wrong with the condo she purchase. I think she blamed us.
I had clients who became furious to find out that some light bulbs where not changed and property was not professionally cleaned. I drove to the property to give them keys as soon as we were confirmed, but found the wife in tantrum...... Seller is not required to leave the property cleaned, some leave it nice, most leave all dirt and mess after moving out. I always ask my clients to leave a few extra days before moving in for cleaning, minor repairs, etc.
But I agree with your observation: a difficult client is difficult from a start to the very end, no matter how you try to please them.
Yes I closed one a month ago and they tried to back out the week before. So I would say they were not happy about closing.
What does that mean "I'm not there yet?" Is she so stressed about the move? Are there issues she's finding? Unless there is something left undone, YOU are there and congratulations to you.