We ran into one recently, I doubt it will ever sell.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Heard of it, but will not be participating
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Dale - This is something that has been around for quite some time now, and I don't really seeing it changing the industry.
It is used here as well with most of the homes going conventional after sitting on the market with no advertising od any kind.
To each his own.
Call if what ever one wishes,
I simply call it giving the the buyer or seller CHOICES.
If an agent believes the consumer should not have CHOICES, they won't like those to provide this solution.
The CHOICE business model require more agility from the agent involved and is way beyond to scope of understanding for many.
Will it change the industry? Yes. However the change will be cloaked in different words and follow a different economic trend.
Any MLS member here can do an "entry only" listing which specifies all buyers agents should call the owner for any inquiries or offers. This has been available for years and I haven't noticed any impact on our business.
Dale Erwin Limited Service Agency was initiated into law by our Real Estate Board to cover agencies who offer a menu of services to potential clients. It requires a list of services not provided as well as a list of provided services along with all required disclosures. This has been in effect for about eight years. I haven't seen a big impact and it does serve a purpose for clients desiring only specific services.
our MLS has had this type of service available to homeowners via an MLS member and it's referred to as an "entry only" listing....
I think it has a place in the industry and can be a tremendous benefit to some people, but doesn't mitigate the fact that full service representation is what's required for the best results.
This type of service has always been available in one manner or another. The sellers are usually quite disappointed and net less money than they would have using a full service Realtor. Unfortunately it's too late at that point for the seller and the Realtor that would have represented them. I just had a client that bought a home with me but used a limited service company. What a disaster for them.
If it works for you and you are happy with it. This is not a new concept, I have seen it before. A
I see many companies and individual companies offering that type of model. Being the independent I am, I don't see a problem with it. I don't think the traditional model works for every one. It serves a need.