Many people do not use a phone to communicate and rarely listen to voicemails. They prefer texting, emails, instant messaging, social media, personal meetings and other communication methods.
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Jack, oh Jack --
Sometimes they can and they choose not to.
Sometimes they shouldn't -- do you really want to speak to someone who's in the bathroom? Or delivery room? I've spoken to people in both locations -- recently -- really.
Sometimes they may be with clients. Really, it happens. Of course, they should return calls promptly. Leave your name slowly and repeat your phone number contact slowly and clearly.
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
GREAT QUESTION. With all of our modern technology, it's gotten to be near impossible to talk to someone.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I understand not picking up the phone, but what drives me crazy is when a call does not get returned for a day, or even two at times. Others could be with clients etc. but within an hour or two we should all get a call back to get a deal done.
I always let everyone know text or email is the best way to get ahold of me. I can at least acknowledge I got the message and if I am busy say I'll get back to you in an hour.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
SHhhhhh! Jack, don't let the word out.
Answer YOUR phone and let those who don't suffer the consequences.
More leads and buyers and sellers are stolen due to this behavior than any other reported to me by consumers.
So let your competitors calls go to VM. Just be the next agent on the list. Find out how many people simply do business with the first one that answers the phone. Next or last is the overwhelming criteria.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
At our office, we try to NEVER let a phone go to voicemail. Even with me starting out in this office only doing social media and content, I've migrated into client relations taking down info live over the phone when others are busy. I also have been seeking out reviews over the phone. We want to maintain the image that no call goes unturned during business hours.
In regards to clients who don't answer phones, it's their choice, but yes, people have become a little passive aggressive now that there is social media and texting, whatnot. Especially when you have millennials trickling into the housing marking, they HATE phone calls. I should know, since I believe I would qualify as a millennial (age 28 counts, right?) and none of my friends ever pick up phone calls. It's all texting. AUGH ENOUGH! haha
Jack, is there anything worse than rushing into the car, shoes and socks in hand, to make it to an appointment and then get there. No Client so you call them and they let you know they're running a half hour late. Inconsiderate!
Jack Lewitz - you tell me....
(Short answer - and even I am puzzled at times!)
Not answering the phone is a weird trend in real estate. When agents call me and I pick up the phone, I usually get a big thank you. It's too bad it's gotten to the point where people are grateful that the Realtor answers the phone.
A client was going to list a property that was out of my area with an agent who knew the area very well. That agent never answered the phone and it took a full day to get a call back.
The seller called me and said he knew I didn't work the area where his property was located, but he liked that I answered my phone and offered me the listing. Of course, I accepted.
Text is good for vectoring / finding someone you are meeting ( I'm at such street 4 minutes away...) Text is useless for financial decisions. Email is okay for sending long attachments which must be read and signed. Social media is awful for anything related to a real estate transaction. You are correct speaking, negotiating, listening and talking are real forms of getting things accomplished.
There is a gene or cell within the body that refuses to cooperate. Phones bring this to the surface. (among other things)
I hear your complaint Jack.
Just spent several days texting back and forth with someone who refuse to answer their phone.
Never did get them to tell me their name or answer a whole question.
Finally gave up and decided to put them in my pile of "people who are too troublesome to rent to".