A tough balance between the rights of grazers and those of the people who enjoy wild horses.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
There is a federal law that wild can run wild but the federal government wants to rent federal land so cattle can graze. The feds are selling the wild horses to people who want to save these horse. It is disgusting what the feds are doing to these horses. I have a horse named Dakota so I have a clue.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
The herd has been there 400 years - there's 65 or so horses. The Forest Service is motivated byland developers. Each horse has been named and tracked by conservationists. The horses are healthy and no risk to land, habitat, people or hazard. They graze on grass that is not native and help prevent fires. When they are "rounded up" they are shot, dragged by their legs and it is a gruesome site.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Stay as in WHOA here...Leave nature alone is my stance.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
The herd should be thinned but held out for adoption, not slaughter.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ