No way.... I have my secret place
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Use the same password. I'm not telling you to do this but I'm answering the question as to what I do. What I do is wrong
I write them in a book. If it ever gets burned, stolen, or otherwise destroyed, it won't be pretty.
I use a very simple code system. I use a combination of alpha, character and numeric and just change the last two or three letters.
Example:MT!0864ar would be a typical password for active rain.
Captain Wayne - I have a secret spot where they are all kept, and nobody will ever find it.
I have my most frequently used passwords memorized. Less used ones are written down..
I just remember them. Of course I also know my x's SSN number by heart and we've been divorced for 27 years. I can tell you the day I got my dog in 2008. The first day my husband told me he loved me was 10/03/1998. Yeah, I just remember all of them.
Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School - good question.
I have little variation in my standard password for different site. I used a password manager software for a while - and felt better but not using it anymore.
While I won't say what I do, I know that a lot of people used LastPass to store all their passwords so they would only need to remember one. However, LastPass was hacked in June 2015 so it may not seeem or be so safe.
I write them down, so only I can find them, not everyone on the internet.
I don't Captain Wayne. That is really a dumb thing in this world, 99 passwords that all have to change at different times. I put them in a Word document.
Since you can not stay ahead of the hackers, I had to resort to a bullet proof system. Those hackers can not see what's on my office wall.
However, I don't need a lot of wall space to record 1234Password.
I have a system based on the account plus some capital letter and some numbers. Same system but different passwords for almost every account.
I have a password book and since last year all my new ones have a code that is easy for me to remember.
I use a special place to save them and update when I need. And I do use different combos for different sites.
I have a list with them written down. Four pages, could never remember them!
Apply keychain, it helps a lot saving time on lost passwords. Just make sure your password to your password is a good secure one haha.
somehow my mind keeps track of them...however, I know there will come a day when I will need to note them down. I certainly would not do it online, in fear of hacking and someone getting them..however, I do have a secret place in mind!
Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School I use a program called SecureSafe Pro.