The public just wants results not ABC's after my name.
Cliff Johnson
Stone Mountain, GA
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
perception becomes reality in real estate.... the designations denote participation in education.... clients don't know what the letters represent....
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Take the classes but do not pay for the designations.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Education is a good thing but when I see all those letters behind someones name I have to chuckle. I think they're pointless.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I know a few agents who are certified and they give agents more specialized training. I know of a new one coming out which is going to be huge!!! I will share more information once the program is finalized.
I have a GRI and e-Pro, cannot say either has provided much of a benefit.
Yes, the curious ones will ask. What is a CCIM? I am $6000 poorer.
What is a MBA? I am even poorer. I lost 2 year income going to school.
I thought the alphabet soup didn't matter but I've learned that to get good referrals from other resort and second home specialists you should have that designation. I just completed my SRPS and must admit I learned a lot in the classes. The majority of my business is second home and investment properties so it made sense to go for it.
I got the GRI and thought that was a waste - like being CRS but haven't gotten the other stuff.
I have all of those mentioned. The education was worthwhile but I have not found any benefit beyond that. The public really doesn't care.
I found the e-Pro designation course very good and I learned quite a bit. I know the course keeps evolving to take in the changes in social media and SEO practices. Overall I learned the most from the GRI.
Public does not care. It is for you only. You pick up some new information and become a part of another network, and even might even get referrals.
I have them all and have enjoyed the knowlege to obtain them. As far as the public, they need to know only one designation: Broker.
I have E-Pro...not worth it if you are up-to-date with online marketing.