Depends on your market. In a bedroom community you might not get any lookers however, in a resort market they line up.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Good, people are out and if they are interested and qualified they will be looking.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
July 4 is not a holiday in Canada so I expect there will be many open houses. It is a hot market in my area.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
When I was a new home agent I hung a sign on my door to call me on 4th July if you have any questions or need help. I would get about 5 to 8 calls when I was not working on the 4th. I set up 4 appointments for Sunday and wrote 2 contracts. Good Luck!
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
No way any day of the year for me.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I think it is a good idea, many people may be off work that day and stop by to look at a house.
Brian Coleman I think most people are planning to go to the beach or family events on the 4th of July.
I would not schedule open houses for the 4th of July. Most families have other activities on their minds.
There is nothing wrong with showing homes on holidays if the home owners agree.
My past experience is that I've gotten virtually no traffic on July 4th. As a result, I choose not to do open houses on major holidays.
There are fewer people out but those who are out looking are often exceptionally motivated. So yes!
I would say any time is a great time to have an Open House. It is your business.
In our market any weekend can be a good weekend. Except when the Dallas Cowboys are playing. I say give it a try and see what happens.
Brian - Open houses are not very popular in my area, as they don't produce the results they once did. I would think that holidays would be even worse.
However, if I am available, I have no problem with showings on holidays, or any other day of the year.
How full are the parking lots at the mall and resturants (not grocery stores) on other holidays orsuper bowl sunday in your area. That's your clue regarding if folks stay home for holidays.
I think it is generally a waste of your time, but it is your time so.....
Now open houses don't work in my market anyway, but to hold one on the 4th of July would be a really big waste of time. I've even kept my office on the 4th. In my area people are busy with family and friends. I will probably have some time off this weekend, and that's great because I'm going camping.
I have tried to do open houses on holiday weekends, and it is a complete waste of time here in Denver.