I don't see why this should matter one way or another. The only thing that matters is politeness and respect...which could be an issue for some regardless of personality type. For most, this is a non-issue.
John Pusa
Glendale, CA
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Well, here's a B personality answering that...sure!
Suzanne McLaughlin
Saint Michael, MN
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
I believe that personality types should not matter when commenting on posts. That is the reason they have Active rain guidelines and Weltanschuung.
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Doyle, very interesting question. We all have different view but we all should respect each other.
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Do tell how you would know the personality type of anyone on the Rain? But, it is a fun question!
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Politeness and good manners come in in all forms. We can all get along, if we want to. A
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
One of the socialization skills learned (hopefully early) is politeness, consideration and empathy....even the Type A folks!
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Seems an "A" personality already knows what an "A" personality will say so there is no need to post. Would you not be preaching to the choir?
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
How many people know what their personality rating is and how many people know everyone elses. We all have our own personlities, likes and dislikes. That's what sets us apart from everyone else. That's like saying you can only sell houses to A personalities. That's not happening!
A comment is a comment. If you are asking for a comment take the responses in stride.
absolutely love the answers rainers... it's interesting how you can feel peoples personality by how they write... I'm like.... OMG... there is an A personality person like me in some post. I read so many posts and you can really get a feeling about them over time. I guess you could say it's like a relationship, the more you are around them.. hopefully.. the more you understand them. LOL. not.. Cindy... I completely understand, sometimes I'm very minimalistic to see how someone will answer or if they think like me... .ah... that can't be good..
I have a hard time with the question Doyle. We're all different. The whole point of this forum is to get different perspectives and get out from our own limited thoughts!