Buying Time line, expenses - and lot more....
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
From soup to nuts - there are so many buyer's guides floating around.
I am an accredited buyer representative and they have booklets already put together that are awesome. It covers all of the process. I also include a couple of my past newsletters, reference letteers, our business cards plus our preferred lenders card, a book mark and a magnetic calendar.
You should explain agency relationship first and how the buyer agent gets paid.
Information about Inspections, Agency, Contingencies, Surveys, Termite Bonds, Earnest Money, School Districts, Amount of Closing Cost the Seller can pay depending on the type of Loan, and Definitely LOYALTY to the AGENT (do not call the agent on the sign after being shown 10 houses and you go home to make your decision).
There is so much more that can be added to this list.
First and formost, agency disclosure.
I also include the most recent graphical stats of their market of interest.
But the one buyers seem to appreciate most is a list of contingencies in your contract. When buyers see the entire purchase agreement (ours is 11 pages) in can be daunting. Especially for First Time Buyers, they want to know where their protections are.
Emotional Check list. Buying is a very emotional process that has many ups and downs during the process. Often buyers get frustrated, tired, and need to understand and keep in check their emotions. I often discusss this with my buyers and it helps them to understand this is an important decision in their life and it takes time to make the right decision for them.
I have found it most beneficial to actually separate this into three guides. It keeps the volume of information manageable and reduces client confusion caused by connecting the wrong dots. It keeps everyone focused on the task at hand, not distressing over what may never happen.
The three guides are:
Buying (red flags, don't do's, decision tree, prioritize, compromise, types of real estate, methods of sale, hidden costs, my compensation, signed agreement)
Negotiation & execution (evaluation, inspection, repair, appraisal)
Closing (agent, title, mortgage broker, underwriter, insurance)
To reveal client engagement, a checklist is included in each guide. If you never see the checklist, chances are high guides 2 and 3 was never consulted.
Information about inspections, about agency, about home owner assocations, about earnest money... the list can go on and on.