Not against me, because I am not a realtor, but Chief Cook had to answer a lame complaint by a person looking for $$$. She ended up with zip and was chastised by the AG, in addition!
David Saks
Memphis, TN
After 15 years in the business I am happy to say no.
David Saks
Memphis, TN
Filed a complaint? Yes.
Because I would not deliver a list of the citizen contact information of those who visited the house. Of note is this seller would not sign a purchase offer that was 98% of list price nor would she engage in negotiation. She was not going to sell. (Note: she was a previous FSBO)
Then, there are those who went off their meds.
Now let me ask, "Exactly what is the value of knowing if a complaint was filed?" Anyone can file a complaint.
David Saks
Memphis, TN
David... I'm happy to say that after 23 years in the business, the answer is "no."
David Saks
Memphis, TN
No, and I work very hard so they have no reason to file one.
David Saks
Memphis, TN
Thankfully no. That said, I have learned that if the relationship with client, the communication, etc. is off..I have learned to say that I am not the right agent for someone. I would rather lose a client tthen have a complaint or lawsuitt. Thankfully, I've enjoyed many good client relationships which inform me about what a successful parnership looks like.
David Saks
Memphis, TN
Oh I have had unhappy clients. and the truth is I was very unhappy with them too.
Annette, knowing if a complaint against the agent was filed is a way for a client or principal broker to evaluate that agent.
If I'm a client and I'm about to spend as much money on an agent as I would for a car, or more, I want to know whether or not that agent has had a complaint, whether it was frivolous, malicious, resolved or not, and what the outcome was.
I always extract my emotions from it because it's my business decision and it examines the moral soundness and quality of an independent contractor or any employee of a principal broker and their ability to be prudent and sensible about my needs as a seller, buyer or cooperating broker.
If an attorney has been reprimanded or suspended by the Bar I want to know before I'd hire that attorney to represent me.
If a physician was rebuked or censured for medical negligence it would raise a red flag and I'd think seriously before allowing a medical procedure.
I'd demand the same for any level of professional responsibility.
I've been wrongly accused and successfully defended myself. It had nothing to do with the practice of real estate.
It's a state of misfortune and affliction most every professional will face one day.
Thank you for your comment.
Being comfortable with your client keeps blood pressure low, too, Cindy.