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Real Estate Agent |
RAINMAKER 541,043 |
Sergio Rebollo Jr. | ||
location_on Miami, FL — Real Estate TeamMates | ||
License 3199996 | insert_link http://www.SergioRebollo.com | |
web Homes For Sale In Palmetto Bay FL |
What I Enjoy The Most...
I have been involved in several aspects of the real estate business for over 15 years. I find real estate to be very fascinating. It is an industry that is always evolving and nourishing oneself with continuous knowledge is key.Sharing one's knowledge and offering guidance to my clients is gratifying. Knowing that our ability to help, guide or support, what at times has been considered one's most important investment is very rewarding. Successfully helping a Buyer purchase that dream home or helping a Seller sell his or her home to avoid foreclosure, is very pleasing.
What It Takes To Sell A Home In Today's Market...Marketing, Marketing, Marketing
Everyone has heard of Location, Location, Location....that obviously has always been a very important component in any purchasing decision.In today's market though, Marketing plays in integral part in selling property successfully. When inventory levels are high and many Realtors do not capitalize on the search tools of their local MLS, Marketing a property is very important.I have developed an Integrated Marketing Plan for all of my property listings. The campaign includes:âProperty videos for all propertiesâVideo postings on YouTube.com & GoogleâShowcase Listings on Realtor.comâExposure on Trulia, Zillow, AOL Real Estate and othersâStrategic E-mail Campaigns For additional information on our Integrated Marketing Plan feel free to contact me at 305-582-4062 or e-mail me at Sergio@SergioRebollo.com
View my website at www.SergioRebollo.com
View my property videos on YouTube
1. HONESTY & CREDIBILITYBuyers love to know that thier Real Estate Agents are honest and credible. Unfortunately, due to past negative experiences many buyers tend to not trust them. One experience is the pressure and urgency that is placed on a buyer or buyers when it comes to purchasing an expensive home and the feeling it creates.
2. AREA FAMILIARITYBuyers don not only love to know that their real estate agent knows the neighborhood well but is aslo aware of various attractions or places of interests around the neighborhood, whether it be schools, restaurants, beaches or even local parks nearby. Most buyers love neighboorhoods where there is always something going on to keep them or their families engaged.
3. GREAT FOLLOW THROUGHUnfortunately, some agents tend to not keep their word. For example, something as simple as returning a phone call or responding to an email. You would be surprised how many real estate agents do not do any of the stated about. This could affect a relationship between a buyer and a real estate agent.
4. ORGANIZATIONAs a real estate agent, buyers have very high expectations. One of them is organization. Buyers love to know that their agent is very responsible and professional when it comes to organization.
5. GREAT LISTNEREveryone loves to be listened to. Buyers expect real estate agents full attention. When you are dealing with a buyer, put on our games faces and prick up your ears and give them your upmost attention. I guarantee it's a plus.
· Having difficulty with your mortgage payments?· Do you owe more than what your home is worth?· Your mortgage went up due to an adjustable rate?· Want to sell your house but there's no equity?
Regardless of your circumstances, there are numerous solutions available. Contact me for a FREE CONFIDENTIAL consultation.
Live In The Miami Area And Are Considering A Short Sale?You May Ask, Is A Short Sale The Right Thing To Do? Consult A Short Sale Specialist Before Listing Your Property With Just Any Realtor Short Sales in Miami are very prominent in today's housing crisis. A Short Sale occurs when the proceeds of a real estate sale fall short of the balance owed on the property. In a Short Sale, the bank or mortgage lender agrees to discount a loan balance due to an economic or financial hardship on the part of the mortgagor. This negotiation is all done by a Specialist through communication with a bank's Loss mitigation department. A Short Sale Specialist can help you through this process. Currently, if you are an owner occupant of a property, the tax code allows you to avoid paying taxes on the Short Sale shortfall. This can be a huge savings for owner occupants who decide to sell their home as a Short Sale. The Short Sale option will have much less negative effect on your credit than a foreclosure would, so a Short Sale may be the best course of action for you if you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments. But don't wait too long, since foreclosure proceedings will begin once you miss 4 regularly scheduled payments. Home owners in this situation should contact an experienced Short Sale Specialist to list and market their home, and handle the entire sale and short sale process for them.
Minimize The Damage To Your CreditA Short Sale will affect your credit but not as detrimental as a Foreclosure will. A Foreclosure comes with a Final Judgment which remains on your credit report for 7 years. A Short Sale usually is reported as a "settled" account on your credit report. By maintaining prompt payments on other credit lines and diligently working on improving your credit score, you may be able to rebound to a decent credit score within a couple of years.Your Personal Well BeingExperiencing a Foreclosure can be emotionally disheartening. The feeling of losing your home to the bank or possible eviction by a bank can lead to many sleepless nights or even tension within your family. Living with the effects of the Final Judgement or Foreclosure on your credit report for 7 years will require possible explanations whenever you apply for credit. A Foreclosure can be mentally devastating.
A Short Sale handled by a Sale Realtor, is the sale of your property just like any other real estate transaction except it takes much longer due to the negotiated settlement process required with the bank. You do not get evicted from your home. You sell your home with a pre-determined closing date just like any other real estate transaction. Most importantly, there is no need for any explanations why you lost your home in a Foreclosure!You Can Buy Another Home Within 2 to 3 YearsIf you do a Short Sale and as long as you maintain yourself current on all of your credit obligations, you will be able to purchase another home within a couple of years. This housing crisis will still take some time to recover if not recover. Focus on re-establishing your credit score and you will be able to take advantage of today's rock bottom real estate prices. Home prices should remain this low for the next few years.
HOME AFFORABLE FORECLOSURE ALTERNATIVEMillions may have heard about the program HAFA - (Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative), but believe it or not many persons do not know how this program works. HAFA is a government program designed to keep as many homeowners as possible out of foreclosure. It is overseen by US Treasury Department and administered by Fannie Mae.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS ?One benefit in participating in the program is the elimination of the effects of a foreclosure on the homeowner's credit. Financial incentives for participation in the program include a $1,000 servicing bonus for lenders and $1,500 relocation bones for displaced homeowners. Participation in HAFA also waives any definciencies due to a short sale
QUALIFYING FOR HAFAYou may be wondering who qualifies for HAFA, according to CDPE, most homeowners facing fincacial hardship are eligible for the program. As one of their rules, if a homeowner is eligible for HAMP but cannot pay the mortgage, then her or she is eligible for an assisred short sale through HAFA. As of August 1, 2010. loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac now qualify.HOW DOES A SHORT SALE AFFECT MY CREDIT?
Homeowners facing foreclosure have a number of options, one of which is doing a short sale. Some people, depending on their situation, may allow a property to go into foreclosure instead of attempting a short sale. One reason is they don't have any expectations of saving the property so walking away is an easy solution. By accepting a short sale, the lender can avoid a lengthy and costly foreclosure, and the owner is able to pay off the loan for less than what he owes. The primary consideration above all is the affect both can have on your credit score.
The Basics Of A Short Sale The concept of a short sale is fairly simple. A short sale occurs when the sale proceeds of a property fall short of what the owner still owes on the mortgage. Many lenders will agree to accept the proceeds of a short sale and forgive the rest of what is owed on the mortgage when the owner cannot make the mortgage payments. A few words of warning are in order. Not every lender will negotiate a short sale. If for example your payments are current, yet you foresee imminent cash flow problems arising that will affect your ability to make your monthly mortgage payment. Lenders may not negotiate unless your payments are several months late or your need to sell is due to relocation. Another consideration is you may be held liable for taxes on the difference between the sale amount and the original loan amount. If the property is your primary residence the tax liability for the mortgage forgiveness may be waived. Short sales require nerves of steel.
The Credit Affects of a Foreclosure Without a doubt sellers will incur more damage on their credit report by going through foreclosure. Typically your credit score will take plunge between 200 to 300 points.
Short Sale Short sales have a far less damaging affect on a seller's credit report. Credit scores typically lose between 100 to 150 points. What happens to your credit down the road? It is takes around three years after a foreclosure before a lender will offer a sensible interest rate, whereas for a person who went through a short sale typically waits around 18 to 24 months to buy another home at a good interest rate.
Salvaging your credit should always be the primary concern when making the decision between a short sale and foreclosure.
WHAT IS HAFA? HOME AFFORABLE FORECLOSURE ALTERNATIVEMillions may have heard about the program HAFA - (Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative), but believe it or not many persons do not know how this program works. HAFA is a government program designed to keep as many homeowners as possible out of foreclosure. It is overseen by US Treasury Department and administered by Fannie Mae.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS ?One benefit in participating in the program is the elimination of the effects of a foreclosure on the homeowner's credit. Financial incentives for participation in the program include a $1,000 servicing bonus for lenders and $1,500 relocation bones for displaced homeowners. Participation in HAFA also waives any definciencies due to a short sale
QUALIFYING FOR HAFAYou may be wondering who qualifies for HAFA, according to CDPE, most homeowners facing fincacial hardship are eligible for the program. As one of their rules, if a homeowner is eligible for HAMP but cannot pay the mortgage, then her or she is eligible for an assisred short sale through HAFA. As of August 1, 2010. loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac now qualify.
I am a Short Sale Specialist with Real Estate TeamMates in Miami. Visit www.SergioRebollo.com for SELLER info on Short Sales.