Barrie Clulow (My Time Is My Own) Services for Real Estate Pros



Barrie Clulow
location_on Uxbridge, ON — My Time Is My Own
Get to Know Barrie Clulow

A taxpayer concerned about property rights and property taxation here in Canada and particularly here in Ontario where I reside. The erosion of property rights by way of rules and regulations, municipal bylaws, provincial legislation and other means should be of concern to all Canadians. We are slowly losing the right to determine what we can and can not do with property we own regardless of how reasonable it may be.


This is my playground, a place to come and learn, a place to share. I will on occasion post articles or information about Property taxation and assessment here in Ontario, and locally here in Uxbridge and some of the surrounding communities.



A former Real Estate Broker with ongoing interests in real estate & property taxation/assessment issues, hence the name realtax. I manage my wife's online web presence & edit for a major web directory