Neil Robbins (Nextage Legacy Realty) Real Estate Agent



Neil Robbins
location_on Aurora, CO — Nextage Legacy Realty
Nextage Realty
Get to Know Neil Robbins


Sales and Marketing

More than $24, 600,000.00 in real estate sales from 105 transaction sides.

111 Professional Auto Repair shops added to client base starting from a beginning point of four. Recruited over 500 people to attend conferences in Washington DC from Oregon over multiple years. Recruited hundreds of donors for charitable contributions using cold calling, referral, fund raising events, networking and direct mail methodologies. Developed cost effective marketing materials for product and event promotions.


Organizational leadership, business management, full time, part time and volunteer employee recruitment, training and supervision.

Business, community and organizational networking. Public presentations ranging from small group to large group in a wide array of formats. Executive Director 503c Non profit organization for fourteen years.

Event Planning, Management and Execution


Planned and executed hundreds of events, activities, fundraisers and trips ranging from weekly small group meetings to nation wide travel. Coordinated interaction with hotel sales and security and a not for profit organization for thousands of delegates. Hyatt Capitol Hill, Capitol Hill Marriott and others multiple years. Arranged travel, lodging, tours, fundraising and program administration for hundreds of participants. Coordinated, executed and administrated fundraising events and programs.

Team Skills


Small group specialist utilizing group dynamics and basic counseling tools. Created and participated in multiple team activities in a work setting.

Computer Capabilities


 Microsoft Office Suite, Outlook, Publisher, Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint Adobe Acrobat Pro 7, PageMaker, PhotoShop Quicken for Home and Business


George Fox College - BA in Christian Ministries.

Work History

Licensed REALTOR® in Oregon and Colorado (CO – 8/31/2012) Principal Broker, Willamette Realty Group ~ 2003 to Present Owner, Advanced Performance Products ~ 2001 to 2007 Executive Director, Associate Director, Program Director, Volunteer, Youth for Christ / Campus Life ~ 1975 to 2001

Community Experience


Gresham Chamber of Commerce, Chairman Resource Team; Event Planning, new member integration and existing member retention West Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce Member, Participated in the Marketing Committee Stepping Stones Toastmaster Club ~ Clackamas Oregon Redmond Kiwanis Club


Business Networking Experience


LeTip Business Networking Group, President I Take the Lead Business Networking Group Various Real Estate events and functions. Gresham Chamber of Commerce Chair of Gresham Chamber Resource Team



Certified Distressed Property Specialist (CDPE), I view myself as a real estate transaction coach.


With leading edge technology, solid leadership and the most innovative compensation plan in the industry, Nextage Realty is leading the real estate revolution.