Maggie White (Coldwell Banker Danforth) Real Estate Agent



Maggie White
location_on Tacoma, WA — Coldwell Banker Danforth
Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC
Get to Know Maggie White

I had always wanted to sell real estate, but traveled, living in Europe and the Middle East en route from the U.K. to the U.S. When my American husband had the opportunity to settle down in Seattle, I immediately took out my license. That was 1990.

My first Broker taught me this: Take care of your clients and the money will take care of itself. That philosophy has stood me in good stead, allowing me to be in the Top 10% of John L Scott company-wide 5 years out of the 8 I was there and to attain the Diamond & Sterling Societies of Coldwell Banker for another 5.  I love selling real estate.

Since acquiring some of my own investment properties, I've become very interested in helping people build a real estate portfolio. Like many others, I lost a good chunk of my market investments in the dotcom bust, and promised myself I would never again invest in anything that didn't have a door I could walk through.

The year of 2005 saw me achieve one goal: to move into an "olde worlde" house in Tacoma. I'm English - I love the Victorian look and this is a real "country cottage"; perfect for my now 20-year old daughter and me and perfect when she moves on about her life.

Many of us work from a home office now and it's so easy to extend those hours, stay at your desk, make one more call. So what for relaxation? I confess redoing houses is a hobby! What the English call a "busman's holiday". Given reasonable weather, I'm out hiking with my faithful Lhasa Apso. Yes, they have short legs, but believe me they could walk forever! I always look forward to a great dinner on my way home. Curling up with a mystery novel is another favorite.

Serving the real estate needs of you, your friends and family is a great pleasure. The pundits always tell us to make a living doing what we love to do. I am very fortunate to be able to do just that.


Thinking over the client base I have right now, it's pretty wide-ranging!  First time homebuyers are always a joy, since it's such an adventure for them, but I've recently been doing a lot of work with people at the other end of their lives, selling because a spouse has died, selling to move into a retirement community, selling because of ill health.  This presents its own challenges for all parties and I've had the real privilege of seeing clients move on into retirement communities and pick up a whole new lease on life!  Talk about places to go and people to see!  Now that's a pleasure.

And between the young and the older there are all those people getting married again, having children, getting divorced (always tricky to find out if that's happy or sad!), getting transferred and, one of my favorites, building a portfolio of investment properties.  I have a few myself and am enjoying the whole Landlord thing; tenants are really interesting!


Since coming to the U.S. from the U.K. at the end of 1989, I've not wavered in my love of selling homes. Why people need/want to move and how to help them achieve that goal is so interesting to me.