Real Estate Agent |
RAINER 4,434 |
Lisa Johnson Sevajian | ||
Vice President | ||
Andover, MA
— Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC |
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web Lisa Johnson Sevajian's (lisasjs) Blog |
Exceptional properties deserve exceptional marketing.
When you decide to get serious about marketing your home you must feel confident and comfortable with your marketing representative. All homes are not created equally therefore your marketing must be unique.
Working together we will create a high impact, high quality campaign that reaches home seekers in any corner of the globe. My reputation for timely , top dollar sales speaks for itself.
Visit in the recent sales section you will find detailed information about my personal sales history.
Whether you are an experienced buyer or a first timer this marketplace dictates you choose your agent wisely.
Often times people stumble into a relationship with a buyer's agent and don't realize that they had the opportunity to select a highly skilled representative if they had just taken a little time to do some research. There are many different agent styles. Some easy going , some hard headed and many different types in between. I approach every negotiation with respect and armed appropriately with relevant , detailed information about the home, the home owner and the market statistics that affect your purchase price protecting YOUR best interest every step of the way.
Purchasing property is a series of conversations that take place between the buyer buyer's agent and the seller and listing agent.
Scenario 1 :Buyer says to their agent" I can't wait to see this house! It's perfect!" Buyer's agent says to listing agent" my buyers can't wait to see your listing. It's perfect for them". Listing agent calls seller's "we have a buyer who thinks your home is perfect they need us!" With this type of agent you need to be concerned about what else they are saying and when. Remember every conversation is crucial to your negotiation!
Scenario 2: Buyer says to their agent " I can't wait to see this house! It's perfect!"
I make the call to the listing agent.I have buyers that I feel may be interested in your property provided it shows as nicely in person as we hope and doesn't require any unexpected work. Is there anything we should know before we visit?Can you send the seller's statement of condition?
Listing agent to seller " We have buyers coming out who have requested a seller's statement pre showing. They are qualified and capable let's hope the house meets their expectations"
Which agent do you want negotiating on your behalf?
When your serious about finding a property contact me and I will be proud to negotiate diligently and respectfully on your behalf as I have for many other's over the years.
I help homeowners sell in what many call a tough market. Each home has a different story and so do their owners. I treat each as though they are my only concern. I'm here for you when you need me.