Un-Real Estate Blog, The Real Estate Blog (Residential Home Funding Corp) Mortgage and Lending



Un-Real Estate Blog
The Real Estate Blog
location_on Teaneck, NJ — Residential Home Funding Corp
Get to Know Un-Real Estate Blog

After 20 years in real estate marketing I've been spending the last several years learning and honing my skills in the funding industry and am now a Sr. Loan Officer with Residential Home Funding.  Although I'm still Principal and Consultant in my marketing firm (description below), I'm completely infatuated with assisting individuals with their finances and enabling them to make significant transitions in their lives.  Helping individuals and families with mortgages has been a surprisingly inspiring, rejuvenating experience for me...the more I help a client, the more fullfilled I am.  The "Old Timers" tell me how complicated the mortgage process and industry has become but for me rigorous underwriting is all I've ever known.

We've been specializing in real estate marketing since 1987.  We thrived in the days of print advertising and still operate a strong print firm.  Since the late 1990's we've migrated to electronic media; building web sites, creating video, e-brochures, social network management and Ghost Blogging for our clients.  We really enjoy the benefits our services provide but Ghost Blogging through ActiveRain is a particularly excellent service we offer.  Our blogs generally get to the top of Google, help you market your properties, promote yourself, increase the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your current web site (we syndicate your blog to your site), are a great listing tool and much more.  Our roots in the real estate industry allow us to write from an informed perspective and allow you to do what you do best - sell real estate.


As a licensed NMLS Certified Loan Officer I've been through the National and New Jersey State Testing required to work for a Non-Federal Bank.  Interestingly if you work for one of the "Big 5" Federal Banks you're not required to enroll in the education or take these tests. You can simply walk into a bank and get a job.  My advice: Make sure you're working with a well qualified professional who has an NMLS Number.


We specialize in Ghost Blogging.  Each blog is custom written for you and your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  We don't use word mills.  We get to know you through a written interview that provides a detailed profile of your professional and personal lives.  We then blog about your listings, the geographic areas you specialize in, related topics such as schools, taxes, recreation, etc and have conversations with you so you can convey anything of interest that's occurred so we can blog about those as well. 


We're a marketing firm specializing in real estate. We are leaders in traditional (print) and new media (Social Networking, Video Production, Blogging, etc) We deliver the highest quality affordably.