Hokulani Golf Villas welcomes requests for more infomation, please take a minute to fill out the simple form below and we will get back to as soon as possible.Please leave full address if you would like to be mailed the development sales package. Hokulani Golf Villas Prices Starting in the $790’s.Call 808.664.3727 for current developer incentives. Name: (required) Email: (required) Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Referrer: Google Yahoo MSN / Bing MLS Hawaiian Air Real Estate Agent Magazine News Paper Friend Other Comments:(required) Hokulani Golf Villas Sales Office375 Huku LI'I Street, Suites 204Kihei, Hawai'i 96753 | View MapSALES OFFICE: 808.664.3727DEV. OFFICE: | 808.377.6520info@hokulanigolfvillas.com View Larger Map