star star star star star 3.0 (12 reviews)
Product Details
Sales & Marketing
Lead Generation / Referrals
Product Description
I reviewed Motovo, joined and am receiving great leads. I have to accept the lead with in 5 minutes. I am then sent the contact details. I first try to reach them by phone and leave a message if they do not answer. The first to respond is usually the only agent they talk to, making it important that the contact happens quickly.
David Saks
David Saks Contact User
Industry Observer 538 Reviews
Memphis, TN 63 % Positive Feedback

Movoto star star star star star
I like Movoto's mobile app. Everything seems to be up to date. I like their virtual tours, interactive maps and high resolution photography. Tons of demographic info is at your fingertips as well. Check out Movoto's fine webpages and see for yourself. The search engine is great and a free service online. Thumbs up ! Yo... See More
0.00 % thought this review was helpful
Cindy Jones
Cindy Jones Contact User
Real Estate Agent 49 Reviews
Woodbridge, VA 98 % Positive Feedback

Movoto Interferes With Client Contacts star star star star star
I like the idea of Movoto as you aren't paying upfront for leads you pay when a lead closes. Again another site where the listings are out of date. However the biggest frustration was finding out that the leads I was communicating with were also being contacted by Movoto. This muddied the waters. They should have b... See More
80.00 % thought this review was helpful