The BananaTudes Group is all about networking, sharing your real estate knowledge, creating awesome relationships and creating major TUDE! That means enjoying life and having fun along the way! ...
Please be aware that we have updated the criteria in this group due to fact there are too many users clogging up the group with solicitations,listings,market reports,localism posts,and jokes...slan...
This group is for those who hope to stay up to speed with technology and social media changes and developments. We may be old, but we aren't dead. And, we are still learning!
Do whatever you want in this group..Introduce yourself, ask questions. Go to ACTIVERAINMANUAL.COM for all your questions! Remember to come back here after you "graduate" and help others. Active Rai...
Having one of those days and need to vent? Or are you ready to celebrate a recent success? Share whatever you like. Cozy up to the bar and let her rip. You are among friends. We're here for you on ...
A place to sit down and enjoy a cocktail after a long day at work. Discuss everything EXCEPT real estate....well maybe. Meet new friends in an informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome in th...
Relocation is a niche that many of us focus on. While any REALTOR® can handle the real estate transaction for an out-of-town buyer, a true LOCAL EXPERT has the ability to be more than just an agent...
*NO LISTINGS*, *ADS* or* personal PR* PLEASE! Feel welcomed to Join Us! For Real Estate Professionals to discuss marketing strategies, overcoming obstacles, successful sales techniques-
This is the place to view the past and present challenges put on by ActiveRain and its members. Everyone can join the group and help encourage each other. Current challenges will be highlighted pos...
Lift up your weary souls by looking at your cup half full instead of half empty! This is surely a place for members to come when souls get weary and you need some positive energy to lift you back u...
A place to share your best ideas, whether it be Buyer or Seller Presentations, Open House techniques, Scripts or any thing that all of us can find helpful. Share and brainstorm with your fellow Act...
SHARE WITH THOSE WHO CARE... This group is for Realtors and their Associates...Stagers, Mortgage Brokers, Inspectors, and all our friends! No one is excluded. Please start your own Diary. Our writi...
This group is dedicated to Localism area information posts. Here you can post anything that is related to your local area, including but not limited to real estate and finance; listings and market ...
The hardest thing for me when I first began my real estate career over 11 years ago was staying inspired and positive during setbacks. When something I had diligently worked on fell apart or didn'...
The Inspiration Station will announce weekly keywords to inspire your blog posts. We hope to encourage you to write about topics that will draw attention and traffic to your blogs. Not sure what to...
If you had a crap-tac-u-lar day or someone crapped on your parade and you want to talk/blog about it, then this group is for you. This is a place where you can Crap-A-Tude. If you found an MLS phot...
WELCOME to the Addicted to Active Rain group! This is for the person who is just hooked on Active Rain. You know who you are, you join not really expecting much. Then you find all kinds of amazing...
DEDICATED BLOGGER – A blogger who strives to provide information that will be helpful, interesting or entertaining to fellow bloggers and consumers.*** ENCOURAGED POSTS…***Real estate related stori...
This group is for market reports only. Any posts in the group that aren’t market reports, or tips about the creation and use of market reports, will be deleted. Thank you.