Philadelphia Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - Liberty Bell Real Estate
By now you have heard about the 6 alarm apartment fire in Conshocken, PA.  Almost everyday in the news we hear of a family being displaced by a house fire, and our sympathy always goes out to them.  This being a major fire, displacing hundreds of people, the law of six degrees of separation unfol...
Philadelphia has long been known as a city of neighborhoods. Neighborhoods that are culturally diverse, that in no doubt infuse the city with art, an array of restaurants, and neighborhood festivities that quickly get a stranger acclamated and engaged to their surroundings. And Forbe agrees, acco...
A month ago I wrote a post "Shape up or Get Out."  I was excited.  I had just began the process of waking up at 6am and getting to work by 8am.  Well now I get up at 6:30 and I can still get to work by 8am.  Not much has changed.  I have been committed to going in my office each day, prospecting ...
I am grateful to say that this is my second week starting my days off at 8am and working till 5pm.  It's still a struggle to get up at 6am but I have been doing it since last week, so it is starting to feel like routine. I did my dreaded prospecting calls last week as I said I would.   I got 4 le...
Philadelphia unlike many metropolitans has managed to stay above water, and by all accounts still a very stable market; despite what we hear and see on our evening news.  If you don't believe me, come into my office midday and witness agents hustling and bustling, managing listings, and shopping ...
Purchasing a home is one of the most important decisions that you will have to make during your life time; however the average American moves every five to seven years, so your first home more than likely won't be your last. Your career, family growth, and an increase or decrease in property valu...
To gamble or not to gamble? Despite Pennsylvania's December 2007 Supreme Court ruling that Philadelphia must allow Sugar House Casino to begin it's construction, there have been no ground breaking ceremonies. In April of this year The Supreme Court ruled that Philadelphia must allow Foxwood Casin...
  How important is it to get a car warranty on a new or used car? As important as it is to obtain a Home Warranty.  We aren't all master mathematicians but if a friend came to you and said that their bathroom pipes burst and the bathroom floor is so wet that the water is dripping down to the floo...

Zakiyyah Newman

Philadelphia Realtor - (Philadelphia Real Estate)
local_phone(484) 483-5915
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