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How Much Down Payment Do You Need When Buying A Home in Mission Viejo You’ve probably asked yourself, “How much down payment do I need to buy a house in Mission Viejo?”In this video, I’ll give you some surprising new information and dispel some incorrect information about the down payment require...
7 things you need to know about the weather in Mission Viejo. 1 It’s always sunny. Most people think we have sunshine 24 - 7 but the truth is we do get a lot of sunshine. In fact, about 91% of our days in Mission Viejo are sunny to partly cloudy, which means we see the sun almost every day. No...
5 Things You Need To Know About Schools If Moving to Mission Viejo One of the top questions I get asked all the time from people looking to move to MV is "What are the schools like?" So I thought I would talk about the educational system in our town and give you 5 great tips. Number 1: Mission ...