I know a lot of people feel that working with the listing agent is the best way to get a good deal. By using the listing agent, buyers feel the agent with get double commission and therefore will work hard to get their low ball offer accepted. This may not necessarily be true. The listing agent...
I found a home I want to buy on the internet. I searched various web sites including, and I spent many hours looking through property photos and descriptions. I did all the work. Why do I need a Realtor? I have heard this question many times during recent ye...
The top 9 reasons why buying is better than renting, especially right now are as follows: •1. Affordability is at an all-time high. Across the nation, and especially in Southern California, prices have declined by 40% to 60% leading to a historic period of housing affordability. •2. C...
"I want to buy a short sale or foreclosure property in Orange County." "I am in the market for an Orange County REO or bank owned property." "Can you help me buy a distressed property in Orange County?" I hear these statements all the time from buyers. When I ask why, I usually hear the same ...