Is Rolling Closing Costs Into A Home Loan A Good Idea? When you decide to buy a home, in addition to the cost of the home, you will also have costs that fall into two categories. One category is fees associated with the loan and its processing, the work performed by the title company and its atto
An Ameican Spy Story-Tom Clancy Missed This One A guy is driving around the back woodsand sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: "Talking Dog for Sale " He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard.The guy goes into the backyard and sees a
First-Time Home Buyers In San Antonio Lots of decisions involved in deciding where to live. How much we are willing to spend, how much we are willing to borrow, and commute times to work are usual factors that affect the where to buy decision. Based on my experience, first-time home buyers in Sa
The Valero Alamo Bowl We have one of the bowl games scheduled during the Christmas and New Year time frame. The Valero Alamo Bowl will be played tomorrow, December 28, 2013 pitting the University of Texas at Austin Longhorns against the Oregon Ducks. The venue for the game is the Alamodome, on th
Fan Fiesta at Market SquareDecember 27th-31st down at Market Square there will be a fan fiesta loosely associated with the Valero Alamo Bowl. It really doesn't take much for us to declare a fiesta for one reason or another. A good football game is just a good a reason as any. Check the Fan Fiesta
Foreclosure In Stonecrest at Lookout Canyon@foreclosure, @stonecrest It's a large home, five bedrooms, and three full bathrooms. Built by Wilshire Homes in 2003. See the details at Stonecrest at Lookout Canyon ForeclosureAt over 3,100 square feet, it is one of the largest homes in the communi
When Are Presents Opened at Your Place? Where I grew up, the usual practice seemed to be presents were opened on Christmas morning. When I went away to college and was exposed to a wider community, I heard of other options. Some had opening of presents on Christmas Eve night, and some mid-day on
So, I stumbled into Charles Buell's post and was inspired and gratified by what I found. Charles is an Inspector in Seattle. His post has nothing to do with Seattle or home inspections. If you have a few minutes to take a look at the video, I think one comes away with some positive feelings about
Things Seem Better When My Team Wins I'm not as big a sports fan as when I was younger, but I still appreciate a well played game. It can be professional or little league. In fact, watching little league baseball or pee-wee football or really any athletic contest where kids are involved is someti
Homes For Sale in Woods of Deerfield Several communities off Huebner Road between Bitters Road and Loop 1604 have Deerfield as part of the subdivision name. This is about the community named The Woods of Deerfield. According to Bexar County records there are ninety-six (96) properties in The Wo